British Canoeing
Quality Club Success
Since the launch of the Club Improvement programme in 2021 , British Canoeing has seen six affiliated clubs successfully complete the Quality Club stage of the programme . To achieve Quality Club status these clubs have demonstrated that their club management procedures align with best governance and safeguarding standards .
Upon completing the process these club officials said …
Throughout the process club officials have had close contact and assistance with a British Canoeing Club Support Officer . They ’ ve worked together with club volunteers to complete a self assessment to identify if any areas of club activity required improvement . And when areas for improvement were identified , they assisted with actioning these improvements .
We ’ d like to say a big thank you to all the club officials who have contributed their time and effort to helping their clubs achieve Quality Club status . Many congratulations to them and we look forward to seeing these clubs continue to thrive .
Throughout the year the support officers will be working with a cohort of affiliated clubs to go through the Quality Club programme together . This will give these clubs a great opportunity to collaborate and support one another through the process . If this goes well then we will be looking to enrol more clubs to future cohorts .
If you think your club could benefit from being part of this programme , your first step is to contact one of our Club Support Officers by emailing clubs @ britishcanoeing . org . uk . They will be able to answer any specific questions and provide further information or assistance about how to start the programme .
Oxford Canoe Club
“ Quality Club is not a tick box , prescriptive exercise – it is a very helpful framework within which you can develop your own unique club look and feel . Decide where you want to get to then use the framework to help .”
Peter Stewart , Club secretary
Macclesfield and District Canoe Club
“ The Quality Club process was really easy to follow which was great . It has helped to put our club systems and documentation in the best place possible .”
Alan Armstrong , Club Chair
Canoe Focus Early Spring 2022