The Paddler Magazine Issue 64 Early Spring 2022 | Page 77

Our Members Survey :

What you had to say

British Canoeing is a membership organisation , and our members are at the heart of everything we do . Members offer us valuable insight and reflection of the membership journey . We really value what they have to say about British Canoeing and how we can improve the membership journey .
To make it easy to see what improvements we are making to membership services , we ’ ve broken them down into five key sections . See what changes are already in place and what we plan to improve in 2022 .
What you had to say …
“ Thank you for the regular emails and information . It ’ s a pleasure to be a member . Keep it up ” “ I get too many emails from you ” “ Your communications are not specific enough ”
What we are currently doing …
We have a number of email newsletters , each tailored to our different paddling audiences . We do this to ensure that the communications you receive from us are tailored to your interests within paddling . These include :
• Member News : Articles specific to British Canoeing members , with information on your benefits and discounts .
• Go Paddling News : Aimed at non member recreational paddlers that want to learn more about paddling and how they can get out on the water safely .
• Clear Access , Clear Waters News : Updates on the campaign and how you can get involved with gaining fair , shared and sustainable open access on water for all .
• Catch Up with Coaching : Updates for our community of coaches
• Paddles Up Delivery Partners : Updates for our qualified delivery partners
What we are planning to do in 2022 …
We plan to move to more personalised content across all our communications to ensure that you are seeing content that is relevant to you . Soon you ’ ll be able to update your paddling preferences in Members Hub for more tailored communication . A new and updated British Canoeing website is also in the works . The new website will be more user friendly and easy to navigate .
What you had to say …
“ I want to see more evidence of the work being undertaken ” “ I feel strongly about the English waters Access Rights campaign .. keep it up !”
What we are currently doing …
Since 2018 , our Clear Access , Clear Waters campaign has been championing the case of fair , shared and sustainable open access on water for all . As well as being increasingly influential in affecting Government policy , on land management and environmental issues , we are doing more to educate and inspire people to protect the precious places we paddle . Invasive species , river cleans and water quality are all major issues that British Canoeing has been tackling . For updates on the Clear Access , Clear Waters campaign you can visit clearaccessclearwaters . org . uk and sign up to our Clear Access , Clear Waters newsletter .
What we are planning to do in 2022 …
Our Clear Access , Clear Waters Campaign has gathered momentum , so we will be continuing to work closely with our access partners to push for policy change on access to inland waters , making an even stronger case for access , putting us in a good position to influence political parties .
Water quality and plastic pollution remain high priorities for paddlers . We will be doing even more to support and equip clean up activity with a Big Paddle Clean-up Campaign in the summer and focussed invasive clean up work . Our close relationship with the Canoe Foundation will fund new and improved access infrastructure , such as launches , landings , steps and slipways . Along with launching a new Paddlers Code in summer , to engage the whole paddling community on how we can all paddle safely and sustainably .
Canoe Focus Early Spring 2022