Spring is certainly on its way and with it comes that real sense of a new beginning . As this is coinciding with the further easing of Covid-19 restrictions , I am sure that we are all now looking forward to the year ahead , with a sense of excitement and optimism . Within British Canoeing this is particularly true now , as we prepare not only for the busy summer ahead , but also for the launch of our new strategy Stronger Together 2022-26 . During the next four years we will continue to encourage everyone to go paddling and make positive progress around our ten big ambitions for 2026 ;
• Creating more opportunities for everyone to enjoy paddling
• Increasing membership and improving member satisfaction
• Improving access to water , promoting places to paddle , environmental awareness and sustainability
• Improving the support to clubs and delivery partners
• Developing our qualifications and awards and supporting instructors , coaches , leaders and guides
• Improving the support and recognition of volunteers
• Supporting talented athletes to achieve international success
• Providing excellent championships , competitions and events
• Further strengthening our governance and compliance and being recognised as a great place to work
• Improving digital services , raising the profile of paddling and improving communications
Feedback from members was crucial in developing our strategy and last year ’ s membership survey really helped to shape our plans to further improve membership satisfaction and membership services over the next few years . Feedback from this membership survey is shared on page 11 .
We know that issues around access and the environment are very important to our members and we hope that many of you will become involved in Europe ’ s biggest clean-up campaign , which is being coordinated again by Surfers Against Sewage . More details of how to get involved are presented on page 18 .
On page 14 we celebrate the recognition of our Paralympic gold medal winners from Tokyo , Jeanette Chippington , Charlotte Henshaw and Laura Sugar and our Vice president Alan Laws , whose achievements were all recognised with national honours in the Queen ’ s New Year Honours list . There have been so many significant achievements in every area of British Canoeing in recent years , and I ’ m sure that there will be many more to come .
I will be leaving my role as CEO of British Canoeing at the end of May , having been in post just over six years . I have enjoyed it immensely and believe the organisation to be in a strong position and ready to take advantage of the many opportunities ahead . It has been my privilege to work with so many friendly , committed and talented people , all doing their very best to build a better British Canoeing .
Thank you all for making my time in the organisation so enjoyable and best wishes for the future .
Happy paddling
David Joy CEO , British Canoeing
Canoe Focus Early Spring 2022