Words : Elaine Farquharson Photos : James Farquharson , trek6500 - Adobe Stock , photolifepnw - Adobe Stock , Ammit - Adobe Stock We think of sitting down as a restful sedentary posture , but it is not . As paddlers , we need core strength , proprioception , spinal agility and explosive power more than most other athletes and sports people .
So what is a dynamic , healthy spinal posture , and why is it so important ? Our spines have an s-shaped spinal curve . In this neutral posture , the load on our joints and the pressure on our discs are evenly distributed , ensuring that our structures remain healthy . Most importantly , we prevent the development of structural changes like disc prolapse , which is a disc bulge or facet joint enlargement , both of which cause spinal pain and stiffness and can narrow the exit holes for nerves and , even worse , your spinal cord .
It ’ s hard to keep an S-shape in sitting as it is a flexion dominant posture , and it ’ s easy to round the shoulders , slouch the lower back and drop through the spine . In sitting , the body ’ s dominant tone is flexor muscle biased , so you have to support your position or strengthen it to maintain the stronger , more extended s-shape .
Spinal alignment
DID YOU KNOW SITTING PROPERLY ALLOWS THE WHOLE THORACIC RING TO WORK BETTER ? This improves your breathing , makes your intercostals for chest expansion and tidal volume more efficient and improves race performance . We can also rotate better through the trunk , allowing us to have more power through the thoracic spine for the stroke to be efficient .
Slouched shoulder posture
MRI showing cervical disc prolapse with cord compression
On the water