The Paddler Magazine Issue 64 Early Spring 2022 | Page 40


Quickies …

If you could paddle with anyone in the world , dead or alive , who would it be ? Anyone !
Pick two celebrities to be your parents … John Gotti and Marie Curie .
Which famous person would you most like to see play you in a film ? Tom Hardy .
Are you a bathroom / shower singer , and if so , what do you sing ? No , I am not .
Facebook , Instagram or Twitter ? @ adrianmatternkayak
An ideal night out for you is ? Spending time with my close friends , sharing a laugh and a meal and a beer or two and just really trying to be in the moment .
What one luxury item would you take with you on a desert island ? My kindle !
What would I find in your fridge right now ? Unfortunately nothing . I haven ’ t been home in a couple of weeks ( currently typing this interview in Dublin Airport ).
Adrian at the Devil ’ s Gorge , Saalach River
What would you prepare for us if we came to your house for dinner ? I ’ d make you guys a homemade Spaghetti Bolognese ( I have lived with an Italian friend of mine for the last two years , and I guess it starts showing ).
Favourite sports team ? Eintracht Frankfurt !
Who are your paddlesport buddies ? Bren Orton , Dane Jackson , Kalob Grady is my core team , but I spend so much time with all kinds of rad persons on the water , so impossible to list them all ! You guys rock .
Any final shoutouts ? Cheers to everyone for supporting and helping me make my dream a reality . Also , thank you to people like the Free Rivers Fund , WET or WWF for making sure we get to keep our rivers free-flowing !
Huge thanks , Adrian , for taking the time out to speak to us .