each other verbally too – talking ’ s allowed . Not to mention the occasional pithy , eminently well-reasoned , and cogent piece of advice sent flying fore or aft , selflessly offered for the benefit of the recipient .
RECREATIONAL PADDLING As we were learning and practising the various FreeStyle manoeuvres , we realised how well the techniques transferred into our recreational paddling on rivers and creeks and the dramatic improvement in our paddling they produced . As I said earlier , It ’ s axiomatic that in tandem , both in FreeStyle exhibition and on the river too , you ’ re a Team . Bow and stern each have their tasks and responsibilities . While the more extreme elements of Interpretive FreeStyle – heeling to the rail , or 180˚ rotations , for instance – are rarely used on a stream , the fundamentals are employed all the time . And that teamwork between bow and stern is a constant .
Anita will employ one of her repertoire of strokes to get the bow moving in the direction she wants the canoe to go . In the stern , I am often able to anticipate what she will do and be ready to help facilitate that in whatever ways I may be able to , while also controlling the degree of rotation of the stern and being mindful of keeping the canoe properly aligned (‘ sighting down the rifle ’) for whatever is just ahead on the water . But still , for the most part , I am syncing what I do to what Anita is doing . When bow and stern are clicking , it can be a joy .
TANDEM PADDLING Team , yes ; working together , yes ; but to an overwhelming degree , it ’ s the bow paddler running the show , and the stern follows the bow .
Watch a short video clip showing tandem FreeStyle techniques on a narrow and twisting creek .
:// youtu . be / VA8UL _ ejYU8