To maximise opportunities , it ’ s also worth considering the type of paddling you do . It ’ s likely the opportunity to do a grade 4 river trip or weekend expedition are few and far between , but getting out on a lake , river , canal or the sea for an hour with family and friends is relatively simple . It might not be as high octane , but it will be fun and have the added benefit of keeping joints and muscles in good shape when more exciting opportunities arise . Also , the aspiring coach in me knows you can find a challenge in any environment ; for me , a more serene paddle is often made more challenging when I ’ ve got 20 Scouts in tow ; the enjoyment can be just as rewarding as nailing a line on Euthanasia Falls or throwing a mega air loop . I ’ ve also started taking the newest addition to my family with me ; alas , I ’ m averaging about two hours prep for a 20-minute paddle , but he loves it , so I ’ m more than happy to oblige . There ’ s loads of kit coming out