The Paddler Magazine Issue 61 Late Summer 2021 | Page 22

So , lesson learnt , when in doubt , tether yourself . And this also counts for those who believe in so-called bomb-proof rolls ! There is no such thing , as one can always become ill or injured , or circumstances can turn quickly against you without warning . But let ' s stick to the story ; you ' ve just lost your kayak . Make sure tasks are given ; one is checking the comms . Make sure the PLB is attached to you to avoid loss . Make sure to hold the PLB above the surface . No worries , if a wave hits the PLB , the signal will only be dampened briefly . Same for the VHF radio ; keep it above the surface ; otherwise , you cannot hear incoming messages . If you are alone , which we also trained , you will have to do all those things yourself .
Of all the services we trained together with the RHIBs from the Coastal Rescue Service are the hardest to spot when they are closing in on your position . Therefore it is of the utmost importance to make noise and to make yourself as visible as possible . In every case , we were the first to spot the searching RHIB . A RHIB is low on the water and can hide behind waves . The advantage is that the crew can hear you , so use your whistle as soon as they are in your sights . We also used the ODEO electronic distress flare . On more than half the training exercises we did with them , it was the first thing that caught their eye . Those RHIBS are also highly manoeuvrable and operated by two crew members or more .
One is the chief lifesaver that also controls the RHIB , aided by a second lifesaver . They have limited equipment on board due to the nature of their task ( coastal , near the beach ). The crew follows orders from their chief , who stays on land . There is no radar onboard and no cabin for shelter . If the lifeboat crew needs to pick you up from the water , they will make use of a convenient rescue-sling ( like a hula-hoop ). It is straightforward to grab , and the same counts for getting you out of the water .
Something to be cautious about : a RHIB is affected by waves , which means the RHIB will go up and down quite a lot in heavy seas . The crews are trained for this and will only make their final approach if they are sure that it is safe . If not , a rescue swimmer will jump in the water to help you . Most likely , there will be more than just one RHIB dispatched to your position . In every single training session , the crew managed to salvage the kayak afterwards . In every single ' loss-ofkayak ' scenario , the kayak drifted at least some hundreds of metres away from the casualty .
Top tip : these are professionals . Listen to their instructions and keep your communication loud , clear , and short when arriving at the scene . Do NOT approach the RHIB yourself . The propellor from the outboard motor is dangerous . The crew will safely approach you . Once onboard , make sure to tell the crew what happened , do a headcount , tell them about possible injuries and treatment that you may have started up before their arrival . Always keep an eye out for hypothermia . In all the exercises , every team member stayed warm and comfortable ! Hence the importance of being dressed for immersion !
In an actual situation , the RHIB crew will bring you to the shore , where an ambulance will be waiting to bring the casualty to the hospital for treatment or a check-up . In the worst case , a rescue helicopter will pick the casualty from the RHIB before it reaches the shore , depending on circumstances .
We love to share our experience with as many other paddlers as possible . The more knowledge is passed on , the safer we all will go on the water . We have some more stories and top tips for you in the next episode of RESCUE TRAINING !
If you want to see how we conduct these exercises together with the Coastal Rescue Service , have a look at the videos below on the NORTHSEAKAYAK YouTube channel !
Have fun and take care of each other on the water !
SEA KAYAK SAFETY EQUIPMENT https :// youtu . be / 8ooxwC6pu-I
WORST CASE SCENARIO II https :// youtu . be / T52e0iWOCy4
IKWV LIFEBOAT RESCUE https :// youtu . be / SPLoZ9oo1rE
THE PERSONAL LOCATOR BEACON https :// youtu . be / q3imQKETQsc