The Paddler ezine WW kayak collection 2013 | Page 37

Will Hartman watches as Todd Richey fires up the cascada San Pedro What to eat? Eating out in Mexico is the norm as it costs very little, and gets you out of cooking, which after a long day on the river will be the last thing you want to do. Mexican food can be delicious but take care and choose wisely when selecting a place to eat. Typical Mexican cuisine usually includes some kind of meat, refried beans, usually onions in some form, rice and corn tortillas. Corn tortillas are a staple and served with every meal, if you are not a big fan of tortillas, Mexico might not be the place for you. There are options to eat more of a range of food from all over the world, but the local food is really good. Most food seems to be fried, or grilled and is fairly greasy. Vegetarians who eat fish will have a lot of options, but those who don’t may have to look around more carefully for veggie options. A big variety of fresh fruit and alk up some of the steepest hills ine, good tyres and a high clearance. If the selection is st ensure your boats all fit on top and be prepared to out high fuel costs of an American style, e as petrol is around 50p per litre. ThePaddler 37