The Pack - Summer 2013 - Issue 1 Issue 1 | Page 5

new friends – she even met her fiancé on the touchline! The club had literally changed her son’s life, so becoming a fundraiser was one way Diane could give something back. At a fundraising seminar run by the local council, she learnt the shockingly hard fact that across the country, grass root sports clubs are closing at a rate of one per month. It was time to do something about it. Diane embarked on a campaign to help local clubs stay open and get our kids off the street and onto the pitch! Realising lack of funds and outdated sponsorship models were responsible for t H]?\?][??X?[?H???[?X??X[?H\?Y?Y[?[\[Y[?YH??XZ???Y??????\[?[?????P??????P??X??\?HYYX]??]?Y[???[?\?[?\??\?[??X??[?[??[\?X???H?[][??\ ?\????H??Y\?\H??[Z]YH????[??]H?XZ?[???X???]\???Y[X?\??[?????[???[X?\???HR??&\?????Y[??][???]?\???[?\?[?\??\?H??[?]H??Y?\?\?H?H\??]Y[?[??Y?Y]YY[??K???H\???H??[???H????P??\???H???H??[?????[??[?\?H?\?[???\?[??[??Y???X??X????H??[??K??H??[H??H?H?\?\??Y??H?[ZY\?XY?YH[??YH?\??\[?Y\????[??\??\?H]8?&\?][?????P???&\??\?[?\???X?\?HH?]\?H]?\??????]?[?H??Y[??H?\??X?H]?????????X??[????????HP??XY?^?[?H\?H?]?Y][??H???[?[??][?\?[?x?&\?H???Y[?]?[?HH?X]?X??\??B????\X??XY?^?[?K???Z? B??