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Registration , now open

May is Direct Deposit Direct Payment via ACH Month

Join us as we celebrate Direct Deposit Direct Payment via ACH month . Visit www . electronicpayments . org today to find out how Direct Deposit and Direct Payment are the simple , smart , and safe ways to move money .

Did you know ? Businesses of all sizes can offer Direct Deposit via ACH . Companies save by using Direct Deposit via ACH instead of paper checks . Many payroll software packages , as well as independent processors , can provide a Direct Deposit via ACH solution .
Whether you are just getting started or having been using these tools for years , this website provides all you need to know about Direct Deposit and Direct Payment via ACH including :
• What it is , how it works , the benefits .
• Implementation tools and resources .
• How to communicate the benefits to your members , customers , and businesses .
Visit www . electronicpayments . org today !

SWACHA ’ s Executive Leadership Payments Summit

Tomorrow ’ s Payments , Today ’ s Opportunity Going Mobile : Revolution or Evolution ?
Registration , now open
May 30 , 2013 ‐ Dallas Texas

Is mobile the future of payments and are established brick-and-mortar financial institutions going by the wayside ? These are interesting times for mobile banking and mobile wallets as the volume of payments continues to shift from traditional banking platforms to mobile devices . We invite you to SWACHAs Executive Leadership Payments Summit where you will hear an array of industry experts who may help you gain new insight into the rapidly changing world of mobile payments . Topics will cover mobile payment trends , mobile payment opportunities , security issues and the regulatory landscape .

Our distinguished speakers are : Marianne Crowe – Federal Reserve Bank – Boston Vice President , Payment Strategies Group and CPRC Liaison Session : The U . S . Regulatory Landscape for Mobile Payments
Jan Estep – NACHA – The Electronic Payments Association President & CEO Session : The ACH Network and the Mobile Payments Industry
Erin Fonte – Cox Smith Attorney Session : The Present State of Mobile Payments
Matthew Friend – Accenture Senior Executive Session : The Future of Mobile Payments