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President ’ s Corner
A publication of SWACHA – The Electronic Payments Resource ® March 2013
President ’ s Corner
By Dennis Simmons , AAP , SWACHA President and CEO

SWACHA Continues to Find Ways to Lead the Discussion with the Launch of its

Executive Leadership Payments Summit

2013 Looks at “ Going Mobile : Revolution or Evolution ?”

The desire to lead the discussion on the future of electronic payments rather than just participate in it is at the core of everything we do . We believe that is how we can best serve not only those financial institutions that are SWACHA members , but the industry as a whole . That is why I am very pleased to introduce our newest initiative , The SWACHA Executive Leadership Payments Summit . This Summit is designed to elevate the conversation on the challenges and opportunities facing our industry . We will bring together industry executives who are at the forefront of fostering change within electronic payments and visionary leaders who can provide the knowledge and inspiration to help us shape the future of our industry .

In our inaugural year , we will host a one-day event in Dallas on May 30 , 2013 , focused on “ Going Mobile : Revolution or Evolution ?” The use of mobile devices to make purchases and manage financial affairs has grown exponentially in the last couple of years , and it shows no signs of slowing . In this age , where consumer demand for speed and convenience is surpassed only by the unquenchable thirst for the next big thing in mobile technology makes it imperative that we not only embrace change , but that we position ourselves to lead our industry through the uncharted waters of mobile banking - not follow it .
The Summit will showcase national speakers on the coming trends in technology that will impact mobile banking platforms along with the changing regulatory landscape to ensure the safety of the ACH Network and those who use it . Additionally , we will unveil the results of our third Consumer Insights Survey related to consumers ’ thoughts and behaviors related to mobile banking and other areas of electronic payments .
At SWACHA , we take pride in informing our members of the most reliable and up-to-date information in order to push them toward innovation . Our goal is to introduce new ideas and tools to help to further our ACH systems and procedures to meet , and hopefully exceed , the changing demands of American businesses and consumers .
Dennis Simmons , AAP President and CEO Our hope in launching this annual Executive Leadership Payments Summit is to present an exclusive learning experience that leaves those executives who lead our member institutions feeling better prepared to lead their employees into the new world of electronic payments .
Additional information on the Summit will be available in the coming weeks . In the meantime , if you have questions , please visit www . swacha . org for more information .
News 3 — Treasury ’ s switch to all-electronic benefit payments
News 4 — SWACHA Payments Events
Risk Management 7 — Crime Day Conferences
Education 11 — Professional Development Seminars
Education 13 — Webinar Schedule
Education 15 — Online Training Videos