News at the
Pepperberry Suites
Christmas Dinner
The annual Pepperberry Suites family Christmas dinner was held Sunday, December 15 with Chef Todd
and staff serving about 90 people. The food was delicious and everyone had a great time at the dining room
of the Peachtree Inn. Thank you to everyone who attended and to the staff that did a fantastic job to make
the dinner such a success.
1/11 Sally Rumick
1/24 Dorothy Davis
1/25 Bev Hillyard
1/30 Pat Brown
Happy Birthday!
Wishing a safe,
healthy, and
New Year
Above left: Sally and family at the Christmas dinner. Above
right: Dorothy P with daughter Vicki and son in law at dinner.
Animal Shelter
The Orchards at Foxcrest sponsored the Hancock
County Animal Shelter for the month of December to
help collect items for the animals.. The residents
spent one afternoon making dog biscuits for them
and a small tree was decorated with toys and other
items to be donated. The residents & employees
brought in food, blankets, treats, and toys. On Friday, December 13 the shelter brought some of the
dogs and a party was held to present the donated
items to them.
Below:Dot checks to make sure
Santas beard is real at the
Christmas Party held recently
At left: Pat
B with dog
At right:
Marion sits
on Santa's