The Orchards Newsletter May Newsletter 2020 | Page 2

The Orchards ISOLATION WELL-BEING Being in the house can take its toll on your sense of well-being. There are plenty of things to do to leave you feeling refreshed and renewed: ☐ Shower ☐ Wash your hands ☐ Drink a juice or eat fruit ☐ Clean one thing/space ☐ Tend to something growing ☐ Reach out to someone beyond your home ☐ Do one thing to get your heart rate up ☐ Do one thing you’ll be glad you did later -Be mindfully present to... ☐ A sound or song ☐ A sensory feeling ☐ Something you see ☐ A thought NATIONAL SKILLED NURSING CARE WEEK The Orchards will be celebrating National Skilled Nursing Care Week May 10th through the 16th with this year’s national theme: “Sharing Our Wisdom”. The observance is sponsored by the American Health Care Association and recognizes the role of skilled nursing care centers in caring for America’s seniors and individuals with disabilities. The American Health Care Association offers insight on the theme: “Sharing Our Wisdom” will celebrate skilled nursing centers, and their residents and staff, by showcasing the insight, purpose and wisdom to be learned from our seniors, those living with dementia and people with developmental and intellectual disabilities. Residents offer a unique perspective based on their life experiences, reminding us to be present, celebrate the small moments, and value connections. NSNCW 2020 will focus on the collective wisdom that residents can offer and share. We have daily activities planned during the week celebrating our facility, our residents, and our staff, including creating our Wall of Wisdom-My Living Message. Stay tuned for updates and photos of our project! The Orchards of East Liverpool invites you to share the wisdom you have learned from your loved one, whether it was learned at an early age or within the past week. It will be shared with your person and the facility on a specially decorated bulletin board. Please email lstrezze@The- Wisdom is seeing and understanding life as a whole. The lessons we encounter as we travel our life paths invite us to grow wiser as we mature. Ultimately, our wisdom becomes our most trusted source of guidance in living. When we share our wisdom, it becomes a touchstone providing inspiration, guidance and teachable moments for our loved ones as they may encounter similar experiences along their life journeys.