The Online Essential Divorce Course Jan. 2014 Vol. 1, 2014 | Page 10

HAVEAPOSITIVEDIVORCE. WITH JANET MURRAY New Relationships I passionately believe that when you live your life in accordance with your true values you will find happiness. It’s when we are living a life that goes against our true nature and the core of who we are that we start to feel out of alignment with ourselves. Many of these values are in our unconscious mind and finding out what your deepest desires and values are enables your conscious mind to shift. Divorce can be a time of powerful personal transformation, which will give you the chance to lead a fulfilling and happier life. Handled wisely, the lessons of divorce can deepen your nature, enlighten you about your suboptimal behaviour patterns and help you to develop into a wiser and more emotionally capable person. However, once you start dating again, you’ll soon discover that many of your old behaviours haven’t gone away; they’ve just been taking a nap! And so if you want a new relationship, but without your old mistakes, you’ll need to upgrade your emotional software. So wouldn’t you like to give yourself the best possible chance for your next relationship to be a truly magnificent and long-lasting one, unhampered by your past mistakes? This session will help you deal with all the aspects of a new relationship post divorce. You will learn how to attract and find the right partner, how to deal with the dynamics of new relationships, exes and families, and to find the happiness that you deserve. Ten quick top tips to feel better before starting a new relationship: • Exercise regularly • Keep a gratitude diary • Relaxation, meditation and mindfulness • Keep around positive people • Keep your thoughts positive 9 © Janet Murray 2013 All Rights Reserved Worldwide • Be in nature • Laughter • Eat heal [B