The Old Pocklingtonian | Page 3

The President’s View This year is the 15th anniversary of the 2000 leavers. A ‘milestone meeting’ is to take place in conjunction with, what will become, the biennial York Dinner. Jessica Farmer (93-00) is organising that group so please contact her or Rachel for further information. The milestone meetings are one of the most enjoyable events, as people share many happy memories from years gone by. Please consider organising one for you and your peers. Dear OPs, Hello and a very warm welcome to the 2015 OPA magazine. As the last remnants of the quincentenary celebrations subside, I find myself in my first year ‘in the chair’ of the OPA; having taken over from the redoubtable Tom Nash (68-77). I pass on my thanks and the thanks of the committee to Tom who, with his never-ending energy, moved the Association forwards more quickly than anyone really considered possible. I have to say, I feel the pressure of following such a livewire. I am also very alive to the hangover effect left by the quincentenary celebrations; a simply astounding number of people made efforts to attend events and become more involved with the School and the OPA. I do not, for one moment, criticise those that have slipped back from whence they came. All I can do, having regard to the aforementioned pressure, is to encourage you all to stay involved and connected with us. I left school in 1999. To some, those 16 years will be a blink of an eye and to others that will make me only slightly younger than Methuselah. However it is calculated, I have always felt a very strong connection with the School; so much so that I don’t really consider myself an Old Pocklingtonian, more simply a Pocklingtonian. As the years pass by, and the teachers, who were once young move ever closer to the centre of the school photo, my love and appreciation for the School has not diminished. I do not refer to the School as just the building, staff and students. For me the School encompasses all of my experiences as a pupil, all of the lifelong friends I made whilst there and also the life that it has allowed me to build for myself (albeit with a wife from QM). There are now so many ways to stay connected with friends, organisations and establishments, most of which do not require any physical effort. That, in some ways, is a little sad. Without exception, the feedback that I personally have received is that people have greatly enjoyed the little exertion in attending gatherings. It is my hope that the committee and I are able to offer frequent and well-attended events. After all, the life blood of an organisation such as this is the continued face-to-face contact and the goodwill that that creates. As I bed myself in to my time at the helm, I think more and more about what we can offer to OPs and how best to offer it. This year we are beginning an initiative of mentoring for recent leavers. The hope is that students who are new to university, and probably the city in which it is based, can be put in touch with an OP mentor who either shares the same degree or works in a similar field to the one that the student strives towards. Perhaps a little specific pastoral assistance may make the difference in a particular module or job application? If you are interested in putting yourself forward to be a mentor, then please contact Rachel in the office for more details. The OPA team has had a slight facelift. I welcome Sarah Gough (96-07), Richard Booth (92-02), Sophie Guest (03-10) and, in due course, Charlie Lambert (01-08) to the committee who each, individually, offer different skill sets, and we say farewell to David Moore (78-82) who steps down with my thanks and gratitude. Tom Nash remains on the committee as ex officio (can’t get rid of him just yet!), which means that we lose former President Mark East (72-76) from that role. Mark has been ever present within the OP community since I left school – he let me off the leash to organise the first Leeds OP dinner in 2000. I know that he offered many words of wisdom and encouragement to Tom during his tenure and I hope to see Mark at forthcoming events so that he can offer me even more. Perhaps more obvious to you will be the absence of Joan Gough (75-77) and Georgina Booth (96-06) who have both left the office to further their everexpanding business interests. During their respective tenures they worked tirelessly for the common good. I thank them for their efforts which were above and beyond. Speaking of which, I must thank Rachel Dare: the OPA guru; the glue that binds us and the fuel that propels us. Efficiency personified. There really would be no functioning association without her. A true OP. OPA Committee OP Elected President: Andrew Wilson (89-99) Vice President: James Sweeting (81-88) Treasurer: Caroline Dale (93-02) Richard Booth (92-02) Duncan Goodyear (80-85) Joan Gough (75-77) Sarah Gough (96-07) Sophie Guest (03-10) Steven Kyffin (70-77) Henry Mitchell (91-02) Co-opted: Charlie Lambert (01-08) School Appointed Mark Ronan (Headmaster) Rachel Dare (OP Liaison Officer, OPA Secretary) Phil Donaldson (Teaching staff) Trevor Loten (Teaching staff and OP 70-80) Ex Officio Tom Nash (68-77, immediate Past President) AGM –