Robinson, 93-02), Peggy Padfield (née Hodgson, 97-
04). Other OPs in attendance were Adam Hayward
(97-00), Charles Ward (91-01), Chris Massey (94-
04), Ros Rabone (02-04), Phoebe Cowen (94-04),
Caroline Dowson (née Pick, 93-04), Edward Styan
(82-87), Philip Dunning (70-77) and John Dunning
(35-38), Peter Dunning (62-69), Andrew Soanes
(76-83), Paul Walker (74-81) and Martin St Quinton
Alix Coole Varlow (04-12) to Edward Swingler,
5 July 2017, York Registry Office.
Beth Allen (94-01) to Iain Milner, 1 October 2016,
Gray’s Court Hotel, York. OPs attending were:
Charlotte Allen (92-97), Kate Holloway (94-01), Ian
Holmes (94-01), Olivia Morris (née Pearce, 89-96),
Andrew Pearce (87-94), Thea Holloway (97-04) and
the bride was given away by Alec Ramsden (Former
Staff, 76-04).
Amy Jones (03-08) to Josh Hardy, 10 June 2017,
Polzeath, Cornwall. Amy’s Bridesmaid was Lara
Wales (née Pearce, 00-08). Other OPs in attendance
were Amy’s brother, Rob (01-05), Hannah Lyth (née
Readman, 06-08) and Harry Coates (97-08).
Robert Milne to Arabella Stewart, 15 July 2017,
Matthew Atkinson (85-93) to Jude Warsop, 20
May 2016, The Globe, London.
Charlotte Flint (97-08) to Samuel Atkinson, 17
June 2017, Watton Church. Two of the bridesmaids
were OPs: Jenny Owen (97-08) and Ellie Stephenson
(06-14). Charlotte’s brother, James (00-11) was an
usher. Oher OPs in attendance were: Sally Ann Dear
(01-06), Nicola Stageman (97-04), Max Rayner (98-
06), Chloe Rayner (05-12), Jonathon Flint (88-95),
Katy Hamblin (née Flint, 90-97), Phil Stephenson
(72-80) and Brent Flint (47-55).
Tom Axup (96-07) to Anne-Lise Rozies, 29
October 2016, Château Smith Haut Lafitte, France.
Chris Pollard (98-07) and Matt Carter (00-07) were
the Best Men and the ushers were Will Axup (99-
10), David Sampson (02-07), Ed Boak (01-07), Ryan
Duncan (99-07) and Alex Watson (96-07).
Ben Dawes (01-10) to Lotti Backshall, 15 July 2017,
Kent. Ben’s sisters, Hannah (01-08) and Liberty (11-
15) were amongst the bridesmaids.
Lara Pearce (00-08) to Richard Wales, 20 August
2016, Danby Castle, North Yorkshire. Christina
Stubbins (97-08) and Amy Hardy (née Jones, 03-08)
were bridesmaids. As well as Lara’s brother, Lewis
(98-06), other OPs in attendance were Tom Axup
(96-07), Chris Pollard (98-07), Ryan Duncan (98-07),
Harriet Anderson (née Edwards, 97-08), Leanne
Robson (03-08), James Pratt (02-09).
Laura Hayward (95-04) to Andrew Cruickshank,
24 June 2017, Cold Harbour Farm, Bishop Burton.
Three of the four bridesmaids were OPs: Jennifer
Shipley (née Dale, 93-04), Claire Rook (née
Lewis Pearce (98-06) to Georgina Wildgoose, 29
July, Crathorne Hall in Yarm. As well as his sister, Lara
(00-08), other OPs in attendance included Thomas
Axup (96-07) and John Burton (99-06).