Sports Dinner with Special Guest Speaker Michael Vaughan OBE
Friday 21 October 2016, 7.00pm for 7.30pm
The Oaks Golf Club & Spa, Aughton, East Yorkshire
OP Rugby at Pock 7s
Good Friday, 14 April 2017, from 12.00 noon
Pocklington Rugby Club, Percy Road
OP London Black Tie Dinner at the RAF Club
Friday 25 November 2016, 6.30pm for 7.00pm
RAF Club, Piccadilly, London
Annual Pocklingtonian Golf Day
Friday 23 June 2017, from 12.00 noon
The Oaks Golf Club, Aughton, East Yorkshire
Teams of 4, ladies and mixed teams welcome
OP Boxing Day Rugby
Monday 26 December 2016, 12.00 noon
OP XV v Pocklington RUFC XV
Pocklington Rugby Club, Percy Road
OP Summer Reunion (including OP Cricket and OP Tennis)
Sunday 25 June 2017, from 11am
At Pocklington School, further details tbc
OP London Black Tie Dinner
Friday 24 November 2017
Further details to be confirmed
OP Leeds 6 Nations and Dinner
Saturday 4 February 2017 (provisional)
Match starts at 4.50pm followed by dinner at 7.00pm (provisional)
Venue to be confirmed
OP Boxing Day Rugby
Tuesday 26 December 2017, 12 noon
OP XV v Pocklington RUFC XV
Pocklington Rugby Club, Percy Road
OP Men’s and Ladies’ Hockey v School
Sunday 26 March 2017, Pocklington School Astros
Matches start 10.00am
Please check the OP website regularly for announcements, updates and
the latest information on all our forthcoming events:
For all enquiries or to book, please contact Rachel in the OP Office: [email protected]
The roles of the different
brand elements: logos
The Old
School Coat of Arms
Pocklington Prep School
Pocklington School (and Sixth Form)
This school identity is used to identify
and market the Prep School. It takes
a wheatsheaf from the Coat of Arms
as its symbol to reflect the connection
with our past and is used across all
external and internal communications.
This school identity is used to identify
and market the Senior School and Sixth
Form. It takes a wheatsheaf from the
Coat of Arms as its symbol to reflect
the connection with our past and is
used across all external and internal
Pocklington School is a modern 21st
century institution where our long
history and rich sense of tradition
remains a hugely valuable asset.
Our Coat of Arms has been redrawn
to better meet the modern methods
of communication, but used with care
on our materials, it is an attractive and
highly effective visual device for linking
past and present.
Pocklington School Foundation
The Foundation logo represents the
administrative side of the School and
therefore has limited use but can
provide an endorsement to dual or
single school communications.
Note: We also have a single colour
outline version (right) that can be used
in place of the full colour Coat of Arms
(See page 5 for more details).
Pocklington School
Telephone: 01759 321307
West Green
Email: [email protected]
YO42 2NJ