The OJCL Torch Spring 2016 | Page 4

Spring 2016

Spring 2016

What ’ s Happening in Rome ?

The Colosseum
The Flavian Amphitheater also known as the Colosseum is possibly the most recognized building in the world but soon it may be getting a bit of a face lift thanks to Diego Della Valle , president of the luxury Italian leather brand Tod ’ s . In exchange for advertising rights , he has furnished 33 million US dollars for the project . He has been
given permission to begin restoration in March of 2016 . The restoration will include “ cleaning of the travertine exterior , the restoration of underground chambers , new gating , the moving of visitor service stations to an area outside of the building itself , and increased video security .”
The building , which generates 35 million Euros a year in tourism revenue for the Italian government , has been in need of renovations for several years due to motor vehicle traffic in the area . However , some interest groups believe the restorations have a negative effect on the ailing monument . There have been reports of some powder and rocks falling from the great architectural structure which they speculate could be made worse by construction . They claim that the law forbids restoration of large architectural buildings , whereas mosaics , statues , and other smaller works are acceptable .
Now , the question is presented — does the public take up arms against the preservation of the ancient building , or do they allow a private company to go to work on their public reminder of the past ?

Tullus Dean , OJCL Parliamentarian , Summit

What ’ s Happening in Rome ?

You might wonder , " What ' s been happening in Rome lately ?" I have your answer ! The 2016 Mediterranean Cat Show was held in Rome , Italy on April 3 , 2016 ! How exciting ! 
 In this competition , owners show their beautiful cats to a panel of judges , and the judges award the best cats a prize in a ceremony . Owners apply makeup and groom the hair of their felines ( derived from the Latin word feles !) to make them look their best . Here are some pictures from the event held in the center of the ancient world !
A sphinx cat poses for the camera . The ancient creature known as the sphinx ( half cat , half woman ) would kill anyone who couldn ' t answer her riddle !

Julia Dean , OJCL Southern Gubernator , Summit