The OJCL Torch Fall 2015 | страница 2

Fall 2015 An Ode to San Antonio By Hannah Barrett, NJCL Historian, Shaker Heights I seriously considered writing an actual ode, complete with strophe and antistrophe, but my thoughts scrambled to jump on the page without the restriction of Pindaric or Horatian structure. After all, I have words of gratitude, friendship, and love all battling to be chosen for these sentences. When you run for National Office, your preconvention and convention experience is consumed by anxiousness and hardcore preparation. You either embrace your nerves and drag your friends around campaigning or sit on your dorm bed at 2:30 a.m. hurriedly planning out your schedule for the next day, or both. You sit at Thursday’s GA, fidgeting, ears pounding, unable to focus on anything but what is to come. When it happens, you cry. You wipe your cheeks, grin through the tears, and stand up with wobbly knees. And when you’re finally on stage, wondering how you got there, you look up at your delegation and feel your jubilant grin growing all over again. Looking up at the swarm of Ohioans from the stage, I felt nothing but gratitude. I don’t think I said it well enough in person. At OJCL Convention last year, I asked you all to “stand by me”. I wasn’t ready for the response I received. Ohio became a mob, ready to help me in any way I needed. The spirited camaraderie of every fellowship, every ping pong match, and every certamen round gave me confidence. At OJCL Convention last year, I promised "I won't cry. I won't cry. No, I won't shed a tear.” Unfortunately, this is a promise I simply am not able to keep. The happy, grateful tears are flowing, and there’s no stopping them once they start. Because I can’t hug each and every one of you hard enough, let my words embrace you and squeeze you tight. Stay classy and stand by each other, OJCL. Ubi concordia, ibi victoria. Fide et amore, Hannah Barrett D K ,AHAC O KJ O O KJ HN 2015 NJCL Convention Memories Video By Hannah Barrett, NJCL Historian, Shaker Heights II