The Official U.S. Maple Syrup Almanac -- 2017 Alamanc_2017 | Page 23

MAINE MAPLE PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION c/o Gaylene Cooper, 81 Chute Rd, Windham Maine 04062, [email protected], SUMMARY OF SEASON OFFICERS M aine saw some of the same early runs that many other States saw, with some pro- ducers making syrup in January. This was pri- marily in the Southern part of the State. As the next warm-up happened in February, many if not most producers were ready and there was much syrup pro- duced across the entire State. For many of the large produc- ers in the North, this was some of the earliest syrup they had ever made. The entire state then saw a pretty solid freeze-up for a good part of March, but Mother Na- ture finally released her grip near the end of March so pro- ducers could get back under way. For the southern part of the state, the season’s end was in the first couple weeks of April and the northern part pressed on into first couple weeks of May. After talking to many producers, I would say Maine saw an average to below average crop year, but still having ample supply of all four table grades of syrup with great flavor. Lyle Merrifeld, President U.S. Maple Syrup Almanac 2017 Lyle Merrifeld President Gorham, ME [email protected] 207-415-3001 Kevin Brannen Vice President Smyrna, ME info@mainemaple 207-757-7373 Gaylene Cooper Treasurer Windham, ME gmcooper81@ 207-892-7276 EVENTS Big-E When: Sept. 15th-Oct. 1, 2017 Where: Springfield, Mass Info: mainemaple CPT. ART & SUE MELANSON of South Hiram, Maine entertain and educate visitors on Maine Maple Sunday on March 26. 35th Annual Maine Maple Sunday When: March 25th, 2018 Where: Throughout the state Info: mainemaple Maple Maina 2018 When: June 2018 Where: Greenville, Maine Info: mainemaple 23