The Official U.S. Maple Syrup Almanac -- 2017 Alamanc_2017 | Page 41

WISCONSIN MAPLE SYRUP PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION 2546 Homestead Dr., De Pere, WI 54115 (920) 680-9320, [email protected], SUMMARY OF SEASON F or most producers, the season started in early February. Snow cover was at a minimum for a third year in a row. The entire state saw below average snowfall this winter; however, the state received steady rains the entire year. The southern half of the state had a slightly below average crop. Very warm weather conditions in early February melted the limited amount of snow in this region and raised the daytime temperatures into the 60s and 70s with few freezing temperatures. Production in the southern half of the state started for most producers the first week of Febru- ary. Syrup quality was excellent with most of the syrup rated Golden. Produc tion in the southern half of the state concluded for most producers the last week of March with the crop being about 85 percent of a normal year. The northern half of the state had an average to slightly below average crop. The production season for most pro- ducers started the second week of Febru- OFFICERS ary and concluded the first week of April. Early weather conditions were not favor- able for sap flow with warm temperatures with limited freezing the season started off very slow. The season eventually cooled off and the producers could see some favor- able sap runs. Syrup quality was excellent with most of the syrup in the Golden cat- egory. The production season concluded for most producers the first week of April. The overall production year in Wiscon- sin was slightly below with the majority of producers reporting between 80 to 90 per- cent of a crop. For the second year in a row the region experienced low sugar content for the majority of the sap that was col- lected. The slightly below average crop was really only experienced by the producers with vacuum tubing systems the produc- ers that utilize gravity methods of collec- tion had a very poor season. Jim Adamski, Director, District 2 WMSPA executive director Theresa Baroun displays new signs for sugarmakers to utilize on farms hosting the general public. The signs are available through WMSPA membership services. THE SPENCE FAM- ILY of Spring Valley, Wisconsin. on March 11 were hosts of the offi- cial tree tapping cer- emony for the WMSPA, kicking off the 2017 season. Mark and Pam and sons Brad, Nate and Greg. ALLAN HERRMANN was the winner of the “Producer of the Year” award from the WMSPA for 2016. U.S. Maple Syrup Almanac 2017 Theresa Baroun, Executive Director De Pere, WI [email protected] 920-680-9320 Ted Simpson, President Mikana, WI [email protected] 715-234-7115 Corey Grape, Vice President Holcombe, WI [email protected] 715-827-0252 Miriam Durkey, Treasurer Clintonville, WI [email protected] 715-823-3482 Pam Melendar, Secretary Merril, WI [email protected] 715-536-3114 EVENTS Wisconsin State Fair When: Aug. 3-11, 2017 Where: Reedsburg, WI Info: Fall Tour in District 6 When: Oct. 14, 2017 Where: Reedsburg, WI Info: Winter Institute When: Jan. 12-13, 2018 Where: The Plaza, Wausau Info: 920-680-9320 41