189 Vermont Route 15 , Jericho , VT 05465 , ( 802 ) 858-9444 , mgordon @ vermontmaple . org , www . vermontmaple . org
The 2017 maple season in Vermont will likely be remembered for being long and drawn out , beginning in January for many producers and extending into April . Producers who were tapping during the early January sap run had the season last nearly nine weeks . For those who waited out the first runs of sap , the season was more typical in length . It seemed like the month of March behaved more like a cold February than anything else . While the production totals have yet to be finalized statewide , it does appear that the 2017 season was good overall . A few producers saw yields above last year ’ s record crop while most operations finished the season around their long-term average . It appears that syrup flavor was excellent for most producers , with only limited reports of off-flavors received .
Overall , little off-flavors were reported this year aside from some early season metabolism in areas . Many producers
GOV . PHIL SCOTT and the Silloway / Lambert family of Randolph , Vt . on Feb . 28 for the 2017 tree tapping ceremony .
who routinely make Golden Color with Delicate Taste report that the overwhelming majority of their crop is Amber Color with Rich Taste or darker . Proving that every maple season is unpredictable in its own ways , other producers who generally make dark syrup found themselves making good quality Golden or light Amber in 2017 . Sap sweetness reports varied across the state and overall production per tap seemed to be down slightly for most producers . Production in the Champlain Valley seemed to be excellent in 2017 , especially for those producers in warmer , lower elevation locations . On the opposite side of the state , reports on the season are generally favorable with production levels near last year ’ s record season . Some northern producers report making upwards of 35 percent of their crop during the January thaws . Snowfall was varied across the state and in many areas the winter , while not without snow , will be remembered for lacking significant snowfall . Colder northeastern areas of the state seemed to maintain snow in the sugar bush much later than other areas , reporting two feet of snow on the ground into early April .
Matt Gordon , VMSMA Executive Director
Mark Isselhardt , UVM Extension Maple Specialist
Pam Green Chair Rutland , VT pam @ greensmaple . com |
Emma Marvin Vice Chair Lamoille , VT emma @ butternut mountainfarm . com |
Mark Bigelow Treasurer Caledonia , VT Mark . Bigelow @ bgfoods . com |
Don Bourdon Secretary Windsor , VT donbourdon @ comcast . net |
Maplerama 2017 August 3-5 , 2017 Hosted by the Lamoille County Sugarmakers VFW in Hyde Park , Vt . |
38 U . S . Maple Syrup Almanac 2017