LAMOTHE ’ S SUGAR HOUSE Rob & Jean Lamothe 89 Stone Road Burlington , CT 06013 860.675.5043 www . lamothesugarhouse . com lamothes . sugar . house @ snet . net CDL , D & G , Tuthill , Marcland , Sugarhill
BACON FARM MAPLE PRODUCTS Shelly Bacon 415 Goodhue Road Sidney , ME 04330 207.547.5053 baconfarm @ roadrunner . net H2O Innovation , Artisan Printing of Vermont , The Bacon Jug Co ., Marcland , Hanna Instruments
BOB ’ S SUGARHOUSE Bob Moore 252 East Main Street Dover-Foxcroft , ME 04426 207.564 . 2145 , cell 207.717.3337 bob @ mainemaplesyrup . com www . mainemaplesyrup . com Leader
KINNEY MAPLE SUPPLIES 39 Maple Lane Knox , ME 04986 207.568.3683 Leader , Marcland , Sugarhill , The Bacon Jug Co .
KINNEY ’ S SUGARHOUSE 200 Abbott Road Knox , ME 04986 207.568.7576 CDL
MAPLE HILL SUGAR HOUSE PO Box 48 / 93 Hicks Rd Newfield , ME 04056 207.793.2773 leahdgerry @ gmail . com Specializing in 3 / 16ths design & installation D & G , Bascom , Goodrich ’ s Maple
MERRIFIELD FARMS Lyle & Joanne Merrifield 195 North Gorham Road Gorham , ME 04038 207.892 . 5061 merfarm @ aol . com D & G , LaPierre , CDL , Marcland
SILAS BEACHLER 9569 South 600 East Claypool , IN 46510 260-578-1625 CDL
SPRING BREAK MAPLE & HONEY Kevin & Kristi Brannen 3315 US Route 2 , PO Box 190 Smyrna Mills , ME 04780 800.281.0021 mainemapleandhoney . com info @ mainemapleandhoney . com Sugarhill , Leader
SUGA COUNTRY PRODUCTS Joe and Adele Suga 861 Cross Hill Road Vassalboro , ME 04989 207.923.3355 sugacountryproducts @ gmail . com D & G , DSD International , LaPierre , CDL , Marcland
DEVON LANE Belchertown MA 413-323-6336 www . devonlane . com Leader , Marcland , Sugarhill
DUFRESNE ’ S SUGAR HOUSE Keith A . Dufresne 113 Goshen Road Williamsburg , MA 01096 413.268.7509 cell 413.559.7072 www . berkshiremaple . com CDL
HICKORY HILL FARM Paul Sena 159 Buffington Hill Road PO Box 272 Worthington , MA 01098 413.238.5514 hickoryhillmaple @ gmail . com Lapierre
NORTH HADLEY SUGAR SHACK Joe & Shelly Boisvert 181 River Drive Hadley , MA 01035 413.585.8820 info @ northhadleysugarshack . com www . northhadleysugarshack . com H2O Innovation , Artisan Printing of Vermont , Marcland , Sunrise Metal Shop , GBM
THE RED BUCKET SUGAR SHACK Jeff & LeeAnn Mason 584 Kinne Brook Road Worthington , MA 01098 413.238.7710 , fax 413.238.0301 Leader , D & G , Marcland , Tuthill , Sugarhill
CDL MICHIGAN Mike Ross & Family 11866 W . Thompson Road Rudyard , MI 49780 906.478.3038 , 1.800.50 . MAPLE www . rmgmaple . com mjross @ lighthouse . net CDL , Sugarhill
DODD ’ S SUGAR SHACK Don Dodd 1654 Dodd Road Niles , MI 49120 269.683.3283 , 269-240-7652 doddmaple @ netzero . net LaPierre , Sunrise Metal Shop , Sugarhill
HAIGH ’ S MAPLE SYRUP SUPPLIES Larry & Karen Haigh 6903 S . Lacey Lake Road Bellevue , MI 49021 269.763.2210 , fax 269.763.0127 lehaigh @ voyager . net LaPierre , Sugarhill , D & G
LAPIERRE USA - MICHIGAN THUNDER BAY MAPLE SUPPLY Sarah Orban 4350 N Grand Lake Hwy Posen , MI 49776 ( 989 ) 766-2593 thunderbaymaplesupply . com Lapierre
SUGAR BUSH SUPPLIES CO . 2611 Okemos Road Mason , MI 48854 517.349.5185 info @ sugarbushsupplies . com Leader , Marcland , Tanaka , The Bacon Jug , Honda Power Equipment , Spring Tech RO ’ s
HERING ’ S MAPLE SYRUP Tanner & Tyler Hering 14142 490th St . Waterville , MN 507-362-4110 email @ heringsmaplesyrup . com www . heringsmaplesyrup . com D & G , GBM