The Official SMITE Magazine Issue 9 | Page 9

and keeps you in lane longer. Devourers Gauntlet gives you .5 physical power and .25% physical lifesteal per stack, max 50. This item is ideal if you are able to manage your mana well thus all you need to worry about is health. Before heading into lane proceed to get your mana buff which is an absolute necessity due to Hunters needing to keep up in lane. You should back only when it is most necessary so as to not lose out on gold and experience (exp) and not fall behind. Focus on farming for your early game, killing minion waves for gold and exp in order to advance your god is extremely important. Your farm would not be as strong as Assassins such as Thanatos, That is not to say that certain consistent. Hunters head to the as they have an entire jungle to Hunters are completely incapable duo lane (the lane with the towers themselves and they would be of playing certain game modes, it farthest from each other, Chaos mostly uninterrupted. Farm farm would just be harder to play when side it would be right, Order side and farm, farm exp and gold for facing another hunter who has would be left) with the Support. if you fall behind as a Hunter you an advantage due to their kit. Early game starts with Death’s put your team at a disadvantage Toll and, depending on Hunter, for they lack the damage needed if either start building into Devourers the other team’s hunter is ahead. Guantlet or Transcendence, which Arena: As the arena Meta GAME MODES AND HOW TO PLAY! increases mana with each stack, goes jungle buffs are not a huge max 50, and 3% of your mana is gamechanger, for Arena is just Conquest are late game carries; converted into physical power. an all out team fight. For Hunters when the Jungler usually falls off Transcendence’s Passive helps here it is about placement. Try during mi Bv