The Official SMITE Magazine Issue 8 | Page 44

FICTION that is growing around the scene of the crime. News spreads quickly in the small world of gods; deities, minions, cyclopes and harpies are gathering to begin the process of mourning. The rulers of the underworlds, Anubis, Hades and Hel, step forward and start the rites to preserve the body and prepare it for the funeral, weaving their rituals together feels off to him, but with his mind to honor the boy’s contributions the cause of death immediately still recovering from the shock in the war of the gods. becomes apparent: a large golden he is unable to find a cause. He arrow, almost the size of the keeps moving around the boy, and the occasional wail, Chronos boy, pierces the chest and heart gently lifting and examining every walks to the fountain to return to at a slight angle. Chronos could detail, making sure everything his belfry, lost in thought as he find no other marks on the boy is clearly visible. While his head goes through his examination over in this initial examination. As he might be unable to properly asses and over again, looking for any carefully lifts the tiny torso he the situation now, he can review details he might have missed. He sees that the arrow went through this piece of time endlessly, and simply raises a finger when Zeus completely, a little puddle of blood this process makes reviewing approaches him, immediately on the ground where the arrow time a lot more efficient. indicating that he neither has the With the body uncovered, exits. Something about the way Done with his examination, Ignoring the rituals, the sobs time nor the willingness to indulge the body is positioned and the lack Chronos gets up without a word in the Olympian’s base curiosity of marks a side from the wound and moves away from the crowd or inflated ego, and walks past 44 The SMITE Community Magazine Issue #8 The GameOn Magazine