The Official SMITE Magazine Issue 8 | Page 14

GUIDE you. This can often lead to a landslide victory in the lane as you will not gain the gold necessary to fight back if you let the enemy minions under the tower. The HOG2 allows you to instantly clear at least half the wave every other wave, and this can give you a good amount of experience and gold to keep up before your wave clear becomes more powerful than his heal. Alongside these items you have gold to buy potions and wards; I would suggest buying at least one ward to protect against Freya who can combo easily with Hercules, a ‘Banish’ into a ‘Driving Strike’ and you are completely out of position and isolated. After this you must make the judgement call again, like type of defense. This can actually good item to get against other you have had to in middle lane: occur quite often, and therefore physical Solo laners because if who’s coming off better in your starter items or offensive items they build physical defense to lane? Are you going to be helpful may be more popular to start with, fight you then you still have good with your build later on? Is there as they generally won’t be made damage output from the Mystical anyone in particular to worry redundant by who you’re fighting. Mail passive (which deals magical about that you should build to damage). Having the Deaths Toll fight? It is easy to forget there is to start off by buying a Deaths provides you with some early a whole match going on when Toll and Hand of God (HOG) rank sustain as well as decent early you’re playing in Solo lane, 2. If you know you’re fighting a power, and buying straight into the especially when you’re relatively Hercules you could very well buy HOG2 is a defensive move in case new to the game and there’s not straight into a physical defense you are fighting the enemy Ra. Ra many rotations happening. item, especially something like has a powerful early game heal Mystical Mail which, when finished, and it can be very dangerous to try beginning, looking at team makes up for the lack of power in and clear the minion wave, as he composition and where the your lane clear with its own source will clear faster than you and then damage is going to come from, of damage. This is an especially you will have minions attacking you know that there are more To play this safe, we’re going 14 The SMITE Community Magazine Issue #8 From our exercise at the The GameOn Magazine