The Official SMITE Magazine Issue 6 | Page 75

GameOn: Which do you prefer to do: play within a game or cast it? Depends on the game. I’m definitely a better caster in most games, and being good at something is always fun. I’m super excited to play AND cast Smash 4, so I guess it’s hard to say. GameOn: How did you get into casting? Solid Jake ran a Smash Bros tourney in 2009 called Cataclysm 4, with the first Smash live stream. I was the only one there who could form a sentence without puking all over myself. I’ve been addicted ever since. GameOn: For those that don’t know, you were part of a streaming challenge from Intel. What were you initial thoughts on the “contest” and did they change? I thought it would be much more skill based, when a lot of the challenges relied on either me NOT streaming to win them, or luck. Unfortunately, I got eliminated for fourth place, but I beat out some really serious streamers to get there. It was a rough run, for sure. GameOn: How do you feel Intel’s Next Top Streamer has changed you, if at all? If anything, it showed me how much drive I have when I really The SMITE Community Magazine Issue #6 The GameOn Magazine 75