what the new god should be as far
as role, pantheon, gender, etc. We
meet with a number of different
community representatives weekly
to receive feedback for balance
changes. I also do a small amount
of level design work when needed
and I write scripts for some of the
different god voicepacks you hear
through the VGS system in game!
GameOn: Which aspects of the
game do you have control over?
Mostly the god I’m designing
at the moment. Other than that the
leads of each department steer the
content in the way it needs to go.
GameOn: What’s your
favourite part of your job?
I really just enjoy working with
my co-workers. I work with some
SUPER talented people and it’s
just really awesome to work with
such a passionate group of people
that all want to make a fun game!
GameOn: If you had to
choose one thing, what are
There were a lot of suggestions
you most proud of in respects
coming in from a lot of different
to work for Hi-Rez Studios?
sources and I had to try and
GameOn: Could you talk us
through your process of creation?
So once I know what god I’m
work in the best ideas into his kit
working on we have a period where
only choose one! Alright well if
without deviating from the feel
we just research the lore of the
I have to I’d have to say it’s my
of the god according to his lore.
god and take a look at what could
first god, Rama. That was the
Would you believe at one po int the
potentially be cool abilities just
most nerve racking and the most
was an argument to make the 3rd
based off of that lore. It’s usually
rewarding experience I’ve had in
shot on the ultimate larger so it
already decided what role that god
my career so far. There were a lot
would be easier to hit!? I had to
will be so while researching we
of things I tried to put into his kit
fight to keep it the size it is now
try to keep in mind what would be
that just didn’t work for a Hunter
and It makes me smile every time
appropriate ability wise for them.
but were pretty cool mechanics.
I see someone land that last shot.
Then we will have a brainstorm
Oh man! I don’t know if I can
The SMITE Community Magazine Issue #6
The GameOn Magazine