The one is pretty much a given… as
in I’m givin’ it to Nu Wa because it’s
and your golden after that all you
Compared to Chronos who
have to do is take down the tower.
really only has what every
other character has to
take down objectives… his
normal basic attacks.
obvious. Number nine is who has
Which brings me to the
Now here we are at the end of
finally comparison of the
my list of 10 reasons why Nu
Chronos is going up first since his
list. Number ten: Who can
Wa is better than Chronos as a
own real wave clear is his Time
destroy towers, phoenix and
character. Just a little FYI, I’m
Rift which can clear half the wave
kill titan faster and easiest.
not saying either character is
the better wave clear and push.
better than one another; I’m
at a time. You can also use Stop
Time to clear the wave too but it
With the combination of not
just giving some reasons why 1
doesn’t do enough damage for it
having to have a minion wave
underrated character is better
to matter much as a wave clear.
because of her Clay Soldiers,
than the generic ADC Mage that
having Flamestrike which can
most people choose… well…
Now everybody knows Nu Wa
actually stun towers and phoenix
and there’s also Freya. But she’s
has one of the best pushes in the
and her high damage basic
a completely different story.
game. All you have to do is use
attacks make her one of- if not
Flamestrike and continue to basic
the best pusher in the game.
By Devon Jewell
attack with your area damage
The SMITE Community Magazine Issue #4
The GameOn Magazine