Nu Wa’s Amethyst
skin’s card.
Hit second ability “Stop Time”
but were going to start with her
Flamestrike is her third attack,
is not only Chronos stun, but
1, Fog. Fog does 50 damage per
the one that gives her area basic
it also deals a decent amount
tick at max level plus 10% of Nu
attack damage. While along with
of damage as well. Stop Time
Wa’s magical power. Which would
the basic attack boost it not only
comes in dealing 110 damage on
do about 113 damage per tick in
stuns, but does 220 damage plus
impact and another 110 damage
the end lasting about 10 seconds
60% magical power
once the enemy is stunned.
over all. This ability alone can
which makes it 572
Mixed together with 40% of
almost reach Chronos full ability
damage combined.
Chronos 650 magical power this
damage. If Nu Wa activates her
ability would do 740 damage
Fog while up close to an enemy,
if everything hits. Altogether
that starts dealing the 113 tick
abilities alone
Chronos would be dealing around
damage to her opponent and if she
1500 ability damage along with
sticks to that enemy for the full 10
his pretty crazy basic attacks
seconds (Which isn’t hard since
full ability
which do around 300 per hit.
Fog gives Nu Wa a movement
power and
boost) It will end up dealing 1130
we haven’t
All of Nu Wa’s abilities do some
damage. Pretty good for such
even included Nu
sort of ability damage to enemies
an unde