pool is starting at three times the
amount of the first prize pool at
$600,000, and Hi-Rez has stated
that there will be community
based funding to boost that
prize pool even more. They have
even invited China and Brazil in
the tournament in addition to
From my experience at the
previous tournament, I would
like to share some tips on
how to make the SMITE World
Championship fun for all.
hotel will enable
Be Prepared - Have what you need
you to get home
with you when you leave your hotel
even if your phone dies.
in the morning. You won’t have
Eat breakfast - This
time to be running back and forth.
seems like a no
Pack Light - Wallet, small
brainer, but
backpack, and a phone with
don’t do this.
charger should be all that you
a good breakfast will allow you
events in the evening after the
need to have a good time. Not
to be out longer in the evening
matches for the day have ended.
carrying much will allow you
without getting worn out.
Have fun! You are here to meet
other players, pro players, Himany
Rez staff, and new friends! Make
the most of it by going to the
The SMITE World Championship
to be comfortable but also get
some gear throughout the day
Wear appropriate clothing -
will be a fun place to meet new
to put in your backpack.
In January, Georgia can still
people, party, enjoy the city, and
be chilly. Make sure that you
most of all cheer on your favorite
Know your way - It’s easy to get
check the forecast for the
team to become the first ever
lost in a new city (especially around
day, and are wearing proper
SMITE World Champions!
2 A.M.). Knowing places near your
clothing and footwear.
The SMITE Community Magazine Issue #4
By Tanner Schelle
The GameOn Magazine