Let’s start off with his passive, Flights of
into consideration because he is outside the
Fancy. The name and mechanics represent
targeting area. Enemy B, while in the targeting
the fickle nature of young lovers: the desire
area, is further removed from ally A than
to be together is overwhelming but sadly, out
enemy A, so he will
of sight is out of mind. Flights of Fancy takes
remain unaffected
this proverb quite literally, as the movement
by Lovestruck.
speed bonus immediately disappears as
soon as the god or gods in question leave
Ally A and enemy
the area of effect. To keep this balanced,
A cannot move any
there should be a cap on the maximum
further away from each
amount of movement speed Cupid receives.
other than the distance
Zooming around at +200% movement during
between them at the moment
teamfights seems a little overpowered.
they are affected by Lovestruck, represented
by the circles in diagram ‘Diagram 2’. If ally
Cupid’s first skill, Lovestruck, is what he is
A remains stationary, enemy A can only
known for: making two people fall in love with
move within the red circle and vice versa.
each other, filling them with irresistible desire.
Of course, th e patterns will become more
The targeter is a ranged area of effect (AoE)
complex as both parties move around each
circle similar in size and slightly shorter range
other. Remember that the ‘partnered’ gods
than Ao Kuang’s Tornado.
This ability introduces
cannot affect each other in any way besides
limiting their freedom of movement.
a new mechanic
that can be pretty
The fact that Cupid himself is fully affected
complex, so to
by this ability is an important reference to the
help explain the
only myth where Cupid, or to be more precise
effects accurately
his spiritual father Eros, is the main character:
I included the
diagrams nearby.
Cupid and Psyche. In this story, Cupid and
Psyche suffer various hardships before finally
being able to be wed, signifying that Cupid
The yellow circle in diagram
himself is not immune to love and desire.
‘Diagram 1’ represents the targeting area of
Lovestruck, the red dots enemy gods and the
green dots allied gods. In this scenario, enemy
very straight forward ability, representing
A and ally A would be linked together, as those
the aversion inspired by the lead arrows
two are the two opposing gods that are the
Cupid carries. It is a simple line shot that
closest to each other within the targeting area.
only affects enemy gods, damaging them
Ally B, while closer to enemy A, is not taken
Lead Tipped Arrow, unlike Lovestruck, is a
for a decent amount and fearing them for a
The SMITE Community Magazine Issue #4
The GameOn Magazine