of battle, which were becoming longer and longer
Instead of the expected sound of metal on stone,
as of recent. This portrayal of wealth would have
the sound of whirring gears and crunching
impressed many people, though it was not the
metal exploded from the doorway.
wealth that impressed Ullr but rather the realism.
Searching the rest of the magnificent walls,
Whilst Ullr knew that Loki was a man of extravagance
he stumbled across a small gem protruding
and something similar to cockiness, he also knew
from the wall. He took hold and twisted. More
he was no fool. Looking at the door
small gears started and in an instant he
ahead of him, he knew that there was
had jumped completely out of the way of the
something off. The door shimmered
gem. However, instead of any traps, a large,
slightly and small imperfections
wooden door swung open through the wall.
appeared over time. Taking
out his bow, he fired a
Slowly stepping through the illusion, axes at the
single arrow through
ready, Ullr braced himself for some trap or creature
the apparent
to appear, scanning the area for any signs of
movement. Slowly inching forward he
visibly relaxes as there are no
immediate signs of danger.
The room in which he had
entered was rather small and
very modest. At the centre of it lay
a medium sized bed, which looked as if it
Loki’s gem skin is
called Infiltrator
had seen a lot of use recently. In one corner
of the room was a small, straw training
dummy, seemed as if i t had been stitched up
many times before, and even now had a huge
gash from its right shoulder to its left hip.
However, the thing that attracted Ullr’s
attention the most was a large pile of
miscellaneous items in the corner, casually
strewn aside and in no apparent order. This
is what he had been looking for. In an instant
he was rummaging through the pile in search
of the item he was tasked with finding.
Inside the pile were small bags of gold, a
rod the shape of a snake, daggers of various
shapes and sizes, but no golden phallus.
The SMITE Community Magazine Issue #4
The GameOn Magazine