The Official SMITE Magazine Issue #19 | Page 22

ARTICLE DIARY OF... PATIENT ZERO A By Helena Wachhaus nd here is where I’d say something like, to drain the green gunk from my chest twice a day - “dear diary,” “dear journal,” or “dear they hope that it’ll help them identify what’s killing anyone who actually cares and isn’t a doctor trying me - but it’s past lunch and she’s not here yet. Which to find a gateway into my psyche.” Who am I trying is kind of weird, because she really likes using huge to kid, I’m writing this on a sheet of paper I stole needles. I don’t even mind the pain, paralyzation off of one of their clipboards, there’s even check is a blessing because I can’t feel anything. Plus, boxes for symptoms on the back. The only person it’s pretty hard to be afraid of needles when you’re who is going to get their hands on this works here. dying. That kind of thing loses meaning after the So, hello Dr. So-and-So and hello to you Nurse first few hours. Anyway, I’m not holding my breath. Bustier-Than-a-Bar-Wench. I’ll be interested to What the doctors have said is that this was hear the insight this scrap of paper brought you. never supposed to happen. I mean, I’m part spider, Well, greetings and salutations, whoever you you’d think I at least have some immunity to being are, I