seen in matchups where she faces Isis though;
everything Bellona does, Isis has an answer
Bellona- Ah yes, that’s right. There is no
for. And with how popular Isis is right now it
limit to what she can
would not be wise to pick Bellona
do. But the reasons
without banning Isis first.
why Bellona works in
Chaac- For as much
middle lane boils down to
flak as he gets, Chaac
quite much more than “she’s
has always been a solid
OP”, although her strength
secondary frontline god
does help. First off, every
to me. With a red pot start
great mid laner has one
you’d be hard pressed
thing in common: amazing clear.
Bellona has more tools for clear
than a car mechanic has in his shop.
to find a Mid-laner with
better clear, and with his
passive you’d be hard pressed to find
Between high-damage, low-cooldown
anyone with better sustain. Also, with
abilities, AoE (Area of Effect). auto attacks,
the recent buff, Chaac has an amazing
a fair amount of setup, and an escape,
slow with a very long duration that can
she makes it hard for her not to be my
cause a lot of problems for the low
favorite Warrior Mid-laner in the game.
The downsides to Bellona can be
The Official SMITE Magazine Issue #19
mobility Mages that can frequent the
lane. For all of his strengths, Chaac
The GameOn Magazine 43