By Derrick Moody
What is your first impression of Sol’s design?
you may not be performing the best. Her passive
The thing that struck me first when seeing Sol
auto-attacking based kit allows you to play in a
was that she was literally glowing! I thought that
similar playstyle of that another Norse goddess,
this was the perfect embodiment for the Norse
Freya. Her kit can pack a punch if you decide to
goddess of the sun. Even though her entire body was
play her with less attack speed based items and
glowing with fire and energy, there are still some
more magical power. Whenever she is around
subtle details that are key with her design. All over
for a team fight, her amazing zoning and team
her body you can see Norse tattoos, still paying
presence, makes her a formidable ally and enemy.
true to who she is and for those she represents.
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