The Official SMITE Magazine Issue #18 | Page 2

From The Editorial Staff Hello everyone and once again welcome to the SMITE Official Magazine! If this is the first time you stumble across us; Welcome to the fold! Before you lies the 18th issue of this community project turned official Hi-Rez Studios product! Even though we’re an official magazine, the staff is almost entirely comprised out of community members, sharing the same love and passion for the game that you, the reader, has. If this is your first issue, #18 does mean there are 17 other issues, and you can find them all on our website Anyway, let’s return to this issue. Those of you who’ve been following us for a bit might notice that one of the signatures at the bottom has changed. Kris “HiRezKaostic” West has stepped down as Editor and asked me to take over for him. So I want to thank him and he’ll always be my Editor in some way. Hell, I might even start calling him ‘senpai’! With the public “thank you”s out of the way, there are some other changes in this issue. Those who’ve read previous issues are probably familiar with ‘Who Is’. While this was a good introduction into a new character, we felt like we could go deeper. Inspired by the new promo pages Hi-Rez releases with each new god, we’ve redesigned ‘Who Is’ into three different articles, providing insight into the minds of the artists and developers that worked on the god, and the experience of just another player like you and me. Not surprisingly, we’ve called them ‘Insight into’! We hope you all enjoy the change. EDITORIAL Editor-in-Chief - Steve Greenfield Editor - Jorg “GreyAethelwulf” van der Velden Production Mgr - Anthony “Baelfyre” Badalamenti CONTENT CREATORS Staff Writer - Derrick “absoluterev” Moody Staff Writer - Kris “Kaostic” West Staff Writer - Jon V Staff Writer - Simon Holmbakken Staff Writer - Thomas “Covertactician” Shaw Staff Writer - Timothy “Tim63” Tian Artist - Asim “imanpro” Shrestha Artist - Dorine Pittet Artist - Emily “Failmuffin” Barnes Artist - Holly “Kisekii” Webster Artist - Gwendoline Martin Artist - Maria Manrique Ccopa Artist - Michele “Katar” Trocchia Guest Artist - Stephen Nickel Photographer - Jonathan Costas Photographer- Jason Tate DESIGN Lead - Kris “Kaostic” West Of course we have our usual content as well! Our interview with Stephen “SteveSketches” Nickel already got teased on the Hi-Rez website, and he is joined by MaximumSalt, a group of friends streaming SMITE on a regular basis. We also have a deeply emotional look into the short lives of Nu Wa’s Clay Minions and we throw a critical eye towards Zhong Kui’s kit in this month’s ‘Tying the Connections’. I’m going to leave you be, as I can see my excitement has gotten the better of me! So sit back, relax and enjoy issue #18 of the SMITE Official Magazine. @TheGameOnMag /GameOnMagazine Steve Greenfield Managing Director Jorg van der Velden Editor