The biggest thing not yet mentioned about Mail
you to take one or two more shots from a Hunter,
of Renewal is its passive effect. The item heals 10%
giving greater sustain in a matchup while, again,
of the god’s maximum health and mana over a period
also allowing you to absorb other damage sources.
of 5 seconds when they get a god kill or assist. In
The Physical Protection difference is present, but
the late game, where team fights are breaking out
made up for by the addition of health. Mid and Solo
and assists are easy to get, this potentially results
players looking outside of the Iron Mail item tree
in an overall 50% regeneration during and after the
should reconsider Mail of Renewal in their builds.
fight—enough to take one more objective or clear one
Mail of Renewal is a viable item overall, especially
more wave before having to return to the fountain for
if you are a mid lane Mage player. It requires a bit
a full heal. This passive is easily the most overlooked
more management of your mana and more thought
part of Mail of Renewal and its implications in
given to your overall build, but you gain a great deal
team fights, especially for a mid lane player who
of sustain from the item for the extra gold you are
is perpetually surrounded by both enemies and
putting into it. Next time you are worrying about
allies, are greater than most players realize.
those pesky Hunters, please remember Mail of
In Conquest, where two Auto Attack based
Renewal is in the game. It might just save your life. ■
gods on a team is currently the norm, I say Mail of
By Joshua Newberry
Renewal has its place. The health gained allows
24 The Official SMITE Magazine Issue #15
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