There are certain things in this game that will earn
you universal hate in SMITE. For example, you could sit
in your lane and never rotate. You could autolock a god
regardless of who calls what role. And then you can grab
that most reviled active item, Meditation. Like rubbing
a cat backwards from tail to head with a wet hand,
Meditation does not bring happy feelings to most players.
By William Wakefield
ack during Open Beta, Hi-Rez implemented
an auto buy system. Along with the system,
Meditation became a very common item, as it
Level one Meditation should be bought out the
was automatically the first active players received
out of the gate. This was both a good thing (since
along with two conditions that need to be met. The
most new players have little to no concept on
first condition is you need to pick a god with plenty
mana preservation) and a bad thing (since having
of burst, push, and spam potential early game, such
Meditation on every god creates a new barrier for
as Ra. The second condition is some form of reliable
when players begin building on their own and doesn’t
sustain. This means you need an ability that heals
teach mana preservation). Worry not; Against the
you or you need early game lifesteal. The idea here
Grain is here to tell you why Meditation is actually
is to be overly aggressive. Where the enemy will only
a great item in competitive level play under the
use one skill to clear the wave, you will use two and
right circumstances. That said, there are only two
force him into your minion wave. Then you will use
times you should make use of Meditation in the
your abilities on him while he’s losing experience and
Conquest game mode, one being an offensive
gold to try and force the enemy back to base or get a
situation, and the other being a defensive situation.
gate for the solo or mid lane god for this strategy
kill. A good lane clear is crucial to this style of play.
The Official SMITE Magazine Issue #13
The GameOn Magazine