The Official SMITE Magazine eSports Edition | Page 21
his take off location. This gives
him the power to be everywhere
and engage fights and because of
this he is picked by a lot of teams.
Ra: Mage (Solo/Mid) - High
Damage, Long Range, Healer, Ra has
a few things going for him. Good wave
clear, a strong early game, a heal for
his team that will make extended
engagements goes in his favor, and an
ultimate that is both great at engaging
fights and picking off stragglers.
Apollo: Hunter (Duo Lane) - Mobile,
Hard To Kill, Late Game Carry, Apollo
is probably the strongest Hunter in the
game at the moment. His Ultimate
will allow him to fly around the map
getting to any teamfight he needs to,
he can dash and CC enemies, and
his passive allows him to put out the
pain late game. Expect to see him
picked or banned most of the time.
Vamana: Warrior (Solo Lane) Tanky, Hard to Stop, Vamana can
charge into fights, become a Giant
and then begin smashing into the
enemy teams backline with little
an enemy team can do about it. His
ultimate gives him a lot of damage
in an AoE and if Vamana isn’t
stopped early this can destroy the
late game. Vamana almost always
makes a large splash at LANs.http://
Geb: Guardian (Duo Lane) - Fast,
Lots of CC, Cleanse, Geb is probably
the top support right now (Next to
Sylvanus http://smite.gamepedia.
com/Sylvanus ). Not only is he fast at
getting around the map as he can roll
to any location he needs to, but he
provides a low cooldown knockup (the
strongest CC), a shield that breaks
CC for his allies, but a very powerful
initiating Ultimate. While he can’t
do much on his own, in a team he
can quickly skew a fight in his favor.
Janus - Mage (Solo/Mid)
Hercules - Warrior (Solo)
Rama - Hunter (Duo)
Anhur - Hunter (Duo)
Scylla - Mage (Mid)
Zhong Kui - Mage (Solo/Mid)
Sylvanus - Guardian (Duo)
Serqet - Assassin (Jungle)
Loki - Assassin (Jungle/Solo
Aphrodite - Mage (Solo)
Most items are character specific
and for that, I am going to defer to
the casting and analysts of the event
to go over most of them but a few
things to note for new players.
• Boots are very quick to be
bought on all characters.
They provide mobility and a
good chunk of damage.
• Actives in this game as
abilities you can purchase
and are incredibly strong.
Junglers and Supports are going
to rush buying an active called “Hand
Of The Gods” at the start of the game.
This allows them to clear jungle
camps and minions easily. Why this
is super important to note is that,
when the game progresses to the
Mid Game, all Support players will
have this item at Rank 3. This allo ws
them to ‘execute’ the Gold Fury and
Fire Giant and without it, a team
essentially can not risk attempting
those objectives unless everyone
is dead, as it might be stolen.
“Purification Beads” are the other
active you will commonly see. Crowd
Control in this game is very powerful,
and not only does Beads allow you
to break Crowd Control, but on
Mages/Assassins it will lower your
cooldowns by five seconds, allowing
for some characters to destroy.
I am hoping everyone enjoys
the event, the entire staff has been
working like crazy to ensure this event
is a fantastic one, and the community
outpour of support has been insane.
For further information or to
look up more about the game on
your own I would suggest http:// as your go
to source. It is community managed
and has a LOT of information that
can be helpful during the event.
For information about the event
itself check out here and you can
watch all the action starting Janurary
9th ■
Written by HiRezPonPon
Contents • 21