The Ocelot 122 - Oxford and Newbury edition | Page 19

Hollywood’s art of the con... Film Some unexpected guests from The Empire join the queue for the Rogue One panel at Star Wars Celebration Are You Talkin’ To Me? A Film column by Jamie Hill I went to my first proper big scale film convention last month. And it was for the biggest franchise of them all - Star Wars. The Star Wars Celebration was pretty damn immense. It took over the whole of the Excel in London’s docklands for three stiflingly hot days in July. Walking through it was like a wonderland for any film fan. There was even a full size tie fighter ffs! You had to jostle past Jedis, scoot past stormtroopers and dart past the occasional Darth Vader to get anywhere. It was like being in a different galaxy but not so far away. The talk of the con was the fact that Star Wars 8 had just finished filming and that Rogue One - the new Star Wars one-off was only a few months away. Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Anthony Daniels, a very hairy Peter Mayhew and assorted other stars of the franchise were all there for signings and photographs - at a price. Actually everything came at a price. The money changing hands was out of this world. But despite this huge cost I still ended up with a Star Wars Light Saber Selfie Stick (tm) which is probably the best item of anything that I will ever own. Anyway with all these cons, it’s all about the reveal at the panels. And The Rogue One reveal was a bit of a doozy as they released a new trailer which might have had a certain baddie deep breathing at the end. At the time of writing this we’ve just had a whole plethora of similar type reveals across the Atlantic for San Diego ComicCon. From DC we had a new trailer for the ‘still being made’ Justice League - which actually had some humour in it - something that DC have really needed in their efforts so far. A new Wonder Woman trailer was also received really well, as well as next month’s Suicide Squad which at one point seemed to take over my Facebook feed with character reveals. (I’m especially liking Killer Croc.) From Marvel, Dr Strange was the belle of the ball with a mindbending trailer to fix your eyes on and they even officially announced Brie Larson (The Room) as the new Captain Marvel. And then the big secret trailer for con-goers only (much like the Rogue One trailer) was Guardians of the Galaxy Volume Two which created a buzz so loud that you would have thought that the whole of San Diego had been invaded by a killer swarm of bees. The trailer that gave me goosebumps though was Kong: Skull Island which was more exciting than that time the brakes didn’t work on my Grifter. But I’ve always been a sucker for skyscraper high gorillas. Ask anyone! 19 Ocelot 122 Ox.indd 19 25/07/2016 21:36