14 - 23 March 2014 - The Observer
23 March 2013 14
08 December2014 -- 13
Megachurches export lucrative
Extra Ordinary Miracles religion
Continue in UFIC
od is here, God is
here,” croons Singapore
church official Sun Ho
as she struts across a
neon-lit stage and thousands of people in
the congregation pump their hands and sing
all unto me, and I will answer
thee, and show thee great and
mighty things, which thou
Kong Hee, the church’s founding pastor
knowest not”….this particular scripture
and Sun Ho’s husband, then takes the stage.
from Jeremiah 33v3 electrifying mood, he
In keeping with theaptly describes what has
become a routine whenever the UFIC family
invites his followers to speak “in tongues”
and a pulsing murmur echoes throughboth
God of Prophet Makandiwa recently in the
auditorium of 8,000 people.
morning and afternoon services performed
a During the service, ushers hand out
miracle beyond human understanding.
Man of god donations, which consume at
envelopes forprophet Makandiwa ministered
deliverance of the salaries of struggled to
least a tenthto many people whomost church
sleep over night or only different ministries,
members, going to fund sleep for few hours.
After having been warned that they would fall
mission trips and special events.
to sleep right there in the service, dozens of
Welcome to one of Asia’s most be prayed
people trooped out to the podium to profitable
churches:to prophet’s City Harvest.
for. true Singapore’s word, and unbelievable
With “prosperity gospel” that blends the
as it was,ajust by a touch from the man of god
those who could material, City Harvest
spiritual and thenot sleep for years dozed and
instantly fell down to sleep.
other Pentecostal megachurches in the wealthy
The church together with The popular and
Asian city-state have perfected a Man of God
rejoiced and thanked god for this first of its
lucrative model.
kind miracle. Prophet Makandiwa joyously
Now congregates that to ability to sleep
told the they are working theexport it to the
world and turn Singapore to enjoyed by for
is a gift from god and has into a hub his
evangelical Christianity.
“We want to preach the gospel to the ends
Building a God Society
of the earth,” said Pastor Bobby Chaw, City
Harvest’s missions’ director.
- ChristTV
Evangelizing missions by City Harvest,
Speaking to thousands of United Family
including pop Church membersHo in China,
International concerts by Sun at the City
Sports and the United States, have helped
Taiwan Centre in Harare on the 15th of
October followers across Asia and set up
it gather 2013, Prophet Makandiwa revealed
that the church has in Taiwan, Christian
49 affiliate churches launched a Malaysia,
Television station called Christ TV.co.
Indonesia, Japan and India.
“We have a reason to thank God tonight,
HeCity Harvest - whose us and we are trial,
has been faithful to founder faces now
along with five others, on charges of criminal
on air,” announced the man of God Prophet
breach of trust and falsifying accounts over
the use of nearly S$51 million ($40.2 million)
in church funds - also has a bible college that
trains church leaders from countries such as
Norway, Kazakhstan and Zimbabwe.
Makandiwa, amidst wild cheers from the
jubilant crowds that filled the main auditorium
and overflow tents.
“This is the fastest way we can reach out
to lost souls. It is also the highest form of
evangelism…we want to market this greatest
product Jesus.” he added.
Monday services
overwhelming as they received numerous calls
from outside the country, a lot of Christians
and church leaders are making inquiries and
some are already coming to witness what God
is doing through Prophet Makandiwa.
Christ TV is available
on satellite broadcast
24hrs a day.
wealth-obsessed, although Chaw has said that
“prosperity is a byproduct of obeying God’s
Critics say wealth is not necessarily a bad
thing but they decry selfish enrichment at the
expense of helping others.
“The prosperity gospel is a very big
movement, a very visible movement, that
doesn’t represent what I believe to be biblical
Christianity,” said Paul Choo, founding pastor
at Gospel Light Christian Church.
But a growing number of people in
Singapore have found an affinity with the
megachurch doctrine of faith entwined with
wealth and personal well-being.
“That’s quite attractive to many socially
mobile Singaporeans who, in going up the
class strata, do look for some moral bearings,”
said Terence Chong, a researcher at the
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.
Tithing - the donation of 10 percent of
income to the church - is assumed by some
to be a way of “buying” God’s love. But New
Creation member Jared Asalli and others say it
is a way of thanking God.
Either Prophet Makandiwahelps swell
way, the practice
megachurch coffers.