The Observer Issue 17 | Page 6

6 - 08 December 2013 - The Observer 6 - 16 March 2014 - The Observer Comment: COMMENT Comment & Analysis Mandela legacy – peace but poverty for blacks Comment & Opinion Tsvangirai: Mandela: An emperor now An African icon I Comment: – peace running naked TAfrican terms Mandela legacyblacks on but poverty for MAKE THEM PAY! 6 - 08 December 2013 - The Observer he Harare City Council (HCC) has that it is at advanced stages of entering into a deal with an as yet unnamed South African-based company to refurbish the capital city’s water delivery system. The deal is estimated to be at a cost of close to US$3 billion. HCC officials are on record as referring to the pending transaction (subject to Cabinet approval) as a prime example of public private partnership. In the same deal, it has been publicly indicated that residents are expected to have an added benefit of internet broadband connectivity that the South African company would provide. This is regardless of the fact that we already have three mobile phone companies n mourning former South African President Nelson Mandela, everyone will want and multiple internet service providers sharing a stake in the fiber-optic cables that are to claim himinto their own. And that is a good thing. being dug for the soils of Harare. Some will want to claim him as part in relation to water is somewhatown countries’ But this somewhat inexplicable benefit confessionals about their besides the point complicity in reconsiders previous announcements by one of the very well-paid directors in the until one aiding apartheid. Others as participants to privatise water service provision in Harare through prepaid water HCC that they intend in domestic, continental and global struggles that brought down the last bastion of settler colonialism in Africa. meters. So it will be a combination of internet/broadband technology linked to ensuring Others waterin their own(which is the actual intent of HCCbe judged as better players that still is privatized failures and fervent desire to and central government.) in the struggles against colonialism and imperialism. And this is not the first lauded loan/investment deal around water reticulation that the Like everyone else, I will join the queue. I willis the still unresolved matter of the Chinese council has indicated it has entered into. There however claim Nelson Mandela as an African icon before being held in awe by his global reach. National Machinery and Equipment Import and Export Corporation loan guarantee that An African icon in the sense that before we were enamored to Mandela as a global was also reported in the media as having been abused. Especially where it came to matters n mourning in marketing) he was an African leader faced with decisions as brand (as they say former South African President Nelson Mandela, everyone will want to to claim him for their do with that faced other And that is a of his and tough as thoseprocurement. own. African iconsgood thing. later times. So even if the latest arrangement with the yet-to-be-publicly their own countries’ named South African He wasSome will want to claim him as the ‘acceptable type’. Otherwise they would never a leader to be deemed part confessionals about complicity at aiding apartheid. company him advanced stages of finalisation, the HCC seems to be keen on papering over is in and others imprisoned on the infamous Robben Island for so many not have had the cracks of a very murky approach it continental and global struggles that years. Others as participants in domestic,has taken to public/private partnerships. brought down the last bastion of settler colonialism in Africa. This is he relation to the evident lack his comrades in Neither was specifically inown failures and ferventorof context that the HCC is functioning Others still one to betray either his cause desire to be judgedthe betteragainst in their as fight players in. theappears as against colonialism andgame” people from either a religious or a It He was not a romantic who viewed to almost any proposal from whatever though they are “open imperialism. apartheid. struggles in messianic standpoint.come will join the queue. I will however claimto make Mandela as an company that haselse, I their way. As long the proposal appears Nelson them appear as Like everyone African they are “rationalising” in awe byas placement in history, even before the He though leader who being held(also readhis privatizing) local government social service was a icon before was cognizant of his global reach. age of satellite television, internet and mass we were enamored togood’ portrayals of An African icon in the sense that before marketing. The ‘feel Mandela as a global delivery. brand icon, came in marketing) had decided that the struggle for his people’s with decisions as this African (as they say long after he he was an African leader facedreported in another Apparently including another one on public transport which was tough as be his life. freedom shall those that faced other African icons of his and later times. newspaper.never a which have come back as either done or almost done deals with the He was All of leader to be type’. Otherwise they would I do not for once think thathavingdeemed the ‘acceptableOr how these will literally make resident and ratepayer not Mandela cognizance ofinfamous Robben Island for sofigure full envisaged himself becoming the iconic many not have had him and others imprisoned on the them. that would adorn murals, cups and t-shirts. His primary task was, together with years. access right others and to water the one to betray either his cause thehis comrades in the fight against in a multi-racialof only those that can afford it. fashion, the pursuit of or goals of the Freedom Charter. Neither was he The lack of context is even more evident where and when those at the helm of the It is trite that there not afellow Africans who will attempt either a religiousview apartheid. He was are romantic who viewed people from to mistakenly or a HCC are as the perspective of not having achieved the goals of the Freedom messianic arrogant as Mandela from standpoint.insisting that the extravagant salaries they pay senior employees are notas was a leader who was cognizanttheyhis placement in history, of things. (All of only in order wrote it alone. CharterHe though hebut never explain how of fit in the broader scheme even before the age of satellite television, internet and this while simultaneously that he made mass marketing. Thefootball team on thetalks Or those that will argue sponsoring a Premier Soccer League ‘feel the CODESA basis mistakes in relation to good’ portrayals of this African icon, came long after he had decided that the struggle forgrounds.) his people’s of what former finance committee chairperson has referre d to as from theirs being an that led to majority black government in South Africa. Apart irrational freedom shall be his life. opinionIWhatwe must respect, at the HCChave to point out ifbecoming a mistaken and that therefore obtains weMandela envisaged himselfthat this is the iconic figure would is an unfortunate not deliberate intention to do not for once think that ahistoricalwould of the man. carpet under the guise His“work in progress”. together media sweep view adorn murals, cups and t-shirts. of primary task was, That the with scandals under the that others and even Oliver Tambo’s the pursuit of and generational task evident Mandelato write a multi-racial fashion,revolutionarythe goals of thecity withoutwas to chose and in stories of unnamed companies investing in the capital Freedom Charter. lead the ANCthe full import ofare to attain independence as a first also most what isview It of and South Africa same Africans who ratepayers is to mistakenly still deals is trite that there thefellowon residents and will attemptstage of unfortunate. Mandela from the perspective of Revolutionachieved having goals referredFor as the National Democraticnotburden of (NDR). the billion of the Freedom to instance, who the US$300 investment cost? Charter as though hereally carries the wrote it alone. And because there is no investment and not a debt,they wererespective to negotiate In Or those that it is an politics he made stages, does the correct CODESA talks any event, if will argue that without mistakes in relation to the and unnamed with the white Nationalists for government in South Africa. Apart from theirs being an an inclusive and ceasefire constitution. that led to majority black South African company start owning the city’s water? And how many jobs is this project That initial that wethe revolutionanywouldwas andpoint out up to subsequent cadres opinion to create for respect, done, it have to remains that this is a manufacturing expected task of mustHarare or we numbers as to the number if ancillary mistaken and ahistorical view of working of the NDR to continuethe man. towards the fulfillment of the rest of the aspirations industries to re-emerge? of the anti apartheid even Oliver Tambo’s revolutionary and generational task was to Mandela and struggle. Furthermore, if there Africa to attain lead the ANC and Southis interaction between central and local government on broader In Nkrumahist parlance, Mandela sought independence as a first stage of what is still first the political kingdom in anticipation referred policy, National this specific investment deal fit economicto as thehow does Democratic Revolution (NDR). into the still controversial that everything else would follow. And because there is no politics without stages, they were correct to negotiate indigenization and economic empowerment policy? It has been whitefor the South Africans, but it is a processconstitution. democratic with the slow Nationalists for an inclusive and ceasefire that remains What is probably to obtain, as has been the case in the last decade, is the and is most initial task of continuingThere was it was and remains up complete departure That definitely underway. the revolution done, never going to be a to subsequent cadres literal “selling”continue working towards the fulfillmenta complete departure policy off Africa just as there has neverfor a song. Without the aspirations of the capital city’s resources been of the rest of adequate from from the past in to of the NDR South the same inanti apartheid struggle. at understanding of context. researchZimbabwe. of the or democratically arrived In Nkrumahist with the Mandela sought first the form imperialism. We however We allSuch grapple parlance,property havecolonialismpolitical kingdom in anticipation still “sales” of council vagaries of come in the and of either properties in return that everything them. follow. are not beholden to terms of Nationalist sentiment alonewith the enoughintentionfor for liquidity or inelse wouldoutsourcing council mandates is not evident either of It has been Zimbabwe. South Africa or basic social services beyond the reachitof a majority that remains democratic privatizing forslow for the South Africans, but is a process poor resident or ratepayer. and is most definitely underway. There was never going to be a complete departure Mandela, like Nyerere and proposal to Cabinet with regard to the unnamed South African In the past in South Africa just as there has never we a complete departure from from the case of the HCC’s Cabral, taught us that beenmust navigate our ideals with company,most pragmatic more of the same. that future generations do not context what is we Zimbabwe. while ensuring That is, a city council without policy forget the same in are witnessing that their task is grapple withrevolutions to higher stages and within generational to take our or We all still even the specific ability tothe vagaries of colonialism and imperialism. We however explain its intentions to its primary constituents. Instead, the contexts.not beholden to them. Nationalist sentiment alone is not enough either for are whole proposed for Zimbabwe. project, broadband and all, is indicative more of a “model privatization” South Africa or project intended to establish city oligarchies without either the best public interest nor Mandela, like Nyerere and Cabral, taught us that we must navigate our ideals maximum public accountability. while ensuring that future generations do not forget with what is most pragmatic thatrefer to it as is “model” our revolutionsCabinet approve this investment/indebtedness I their task a to take because, should to higher stages and within generational contexts. deal for Harare, it shall be taken to our remaining major cities and towns. Almost, like the prepaid water meter, which is already symbolic of the classic “haves and the have nots”. All over a glass of safe-to-drink water.■ acceptance that in its sparring with thenpresident FW de Klerk in the early 1990s, the ANC under Mandela, a self-confessed economic N the 10 year s after he withdrew from novice, focused too much on the quest for public life, Nelson Mandela divided his time political rather than economic power. Comment & Analysis In less polite terms, the ANC’s stance between a mansion in one of Johannesburg’s wealthiest suburbs and his ancestral home in translated into a quip popular at the dinner Qunu, a village in South Africa’s impoverished parties of wealthy whites: “We’ll give them the vote but keep the banks.” eastern Cape. William Gumede, a professor at Wits The contrast could not have been starker. Dr Lastone, his Moyo reasons School in Then as now, said it in the In Madiwa neighbours were cast in the Businessfor the split. Johannesburg,violence was image of no secret that theLords”, the mining wrong to argue that Mandela sold out.and roguish T is the white “Rand emperor has been MDC appeared to take a sporadic “However, the economic negotiations were magnates andnaked forwho built now, sprawling form, albeit used systematically by the emperor to running bankers a while the but what city -isand Africa’s biggest is beginningfrom the not as robust inpunish dissent with free said. economy - to dance discipline andas the political ones,” he expression acceptance that its sparring and thenshocking is that he BY REUTERS president FW de Klerk inacceptance among most in “There was a glib the early 1990s, the vast gold reserves in the rock beneath their feet. in full public view and making a travesty of on party issues. self-confessed ANC under Mandela, do was capture In the other, they were black peasant farmers the ANC that allathey needed toeconomic opposition politics “rondavel” hutsFromekinglurid political power, disturbing they the recent reports novice, Even more and then are could transform focused too much on the quest for N in thatched in after country. and from out the 10 years the he withdrew the living public life, the recent orgies of violence political rather than economic power. his time sex living on toNelson Mandela divided scenes that thethe effect thatwas aviolence sometimes took an to economy. a scandals awindswept one of Johannesburg’s and In less polite It this the ANC’sargument, and terms, simplistic stance between mansion in hillsides in corruption suburbs andin centuries, letTsvangirai’s it was also thequipreminiscent of the sunset kind of reportedly his his party, alone translated dimension popular at the have hardly changedrife inancestral home in the ethnic into a Mandela argument.”dinner wealthiest two decades since be Africa’s as it epitomizes politics associated with world watched in these tragicomedy cannotthe end of apartheid. of wealthy whites: “We’ll give them the Qunu, a village in South ignored impoverished parties South Africa and theZanu PF. If indeed awe vote but keep true, then easternthat has slowly, but progressively eaten into when, on the banks.”11, 1990, Mandelacrystal clear Cape. While few query Mandela’s achievement claims areFebruary it is more than left Cape the rot a professor at Wits in The contrast couldAfrica been starker. brink William Gumede, yet another and raised his fist dragging South not have the the In one, his neighbours back from in party in Town’s Victor Verster prisonatavistic primordialist heart and soul of the main opposition the Business Tsvangirai is that School in Johannesburg, said it were cast brokering in salute to the crowds as he stepped was on his out of civil war in the early 1990s and Zimbabwe. white “Rand Lords”, the mining wrong to argue that Mandela sold out. a national identity who has dismally failed to build image of the a peaceful end to three centuries of white and the nation’s “Long Walk to Freedom” - the magnates the MDC split built the sprawling Since and bankers who in 2005, Tsvangirai’s “However, the economic negotiations were that is premised on civic virtue, dominance, tougher questions are being asked as robust as the political ones,” he equity, and human said. city - and Africa’s biggest economy - from the not title of his subsequent autobiography. misdemeanors havethe rock beneath their feet. a “There wasitsglibaacceptance among most in him the rights as a of momentousblocks. Give The start nation building political transition, of gold reserves in clearly developed into vastthe country he leaves behind. Despite more were black peasant farmers the presidency key moment do he capture cancerousother, theythanhas dealt aof affirmative ANC that allathey Mugabeto in the evolutiondefinite In the plague that 10 years fatal blow to it was also after needed and waswill be a of a living into redress the balance under opposition gift of death to the theyhome and he’s no action thatched “rondavel” huts and eking out political power, and both at could transform the moral and ethical justification for the banner cult of Mandelathen nation because abroad. respect a living on windswept hillsides in scenes that the economy. It was a simplistic argument, and of “black economic empowerment”, South forMan and and political diversity in his own party. politics, especially in in centuries, how it imagines was also the Mandela argument.” relation to let alone the it cultural myth have hardly changed of the world’s most unequal In 1993, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Africa remains one democratic leadership end of apartheid. with good South Africa and to imagine a radically different His failure the world watched in awe two decades since the that is consistent jointly with de Klerk, and in 1995 he won societies and whites still control huge swathes Prize,February While governancefew query Mandela’s Needless to say, over all but the11, 1990,for Zimbabwe can also be and human rights. achievement when, on democratic alternative Mandela left Cape as he most diehard right-wingers of dragging South Africa back from the brink Town’s Victor Verster prison and raised his fist the economy. in Tsvangirai’s leadership style and hisbrokering in salute to the crowds as he stepped out onas evidenced In war in the of 1990s trade unionist seen in the continued use of violence his of civil the words early leadingand increasingly saluted the overwhelmingly white Springbok side wishy-washy end toits structure is akin towhitenow that nation’s “Long Walk to Freedom” - the by won the Rugby World Elton Mangoma and Zwelinzima political persona and the the recent bashing ofCup in Johannesburg. a peaceful Vavi, three centuriesthat is Irish of an title his is up of the party’s dominance, tougher questions are being asked for of He subsequent autobiography.Secretarywindow coffee - black at the bottom, with some white roughingimmortalised in a stained glass General, characterized by perennial flip-flopping, calls of the and a sprinkling of chocolate on the top. TheSoweto’s momentous political transition,statues he leaves behind. froth country serious reflection from all serious- in start of a giant Regina Mundi church; an urgent and than 10 years of affirmative it was also a Biti. moment in is that of exercising their Tendai key Their sin the evolution of a Despite more a white him dancing, boxing constitutional right raising On average, earns six legitimate mindedtocitizens about the household banner and of Mandelaand hard wonor abroad. his fist areto cult of both at home and action redress the balance value, the under meaning, dotted across times moreeconomic empowerment”, South in Man and myth the country; and in 2012 the than a black one, and nearly one of “black direction of opposition politics in the country. freedom of expression on what Zimbabweans central he was awarded of Nobel Peace three remains unemployed, compared with Africa blacks isone of the world’s most unequalone In 1993, bank issued a set the bank notes bearing would surely agree are salient party issues worth of inOnewhites. need a rocket scientist to show that his face. 20 doesn’t societies and whites still control huge swathes Prize, jointly with de Klerk, and in 1995 he won the the economy.are fodder for critics ofopposition public interest and concern. the noteshe over allThe the most diehard about but announcement right-wingers as came on of value, ratios Such substance, and relevance of the 1994 In in that of has largely settlement words brought the tradebeen on the down saluted the overwhelmingly white Springbok side times politics the Zimbabwe leading curtainunionist on February 11, the the election countless releaseto Having lost 22nd anniversary of his Zwelinzima Vavi, its structure is akin to an Irish that fromthe Rugby World Cup in Johannesburg. nearly since the formation of the GNU white- won prison. decline -half a century of institutionalisedin 2008. He is immortalisedsurely it must be healthy to discuss Robert Mugabe, in glass coffee black at the bottom, with some white In giant an atmosphere, MDC-T minority a this and saw Mandela anointed South Soweto’ssuch Regina a stainedthe it windowbut those rule issue from the lens on the top. Looking at sprinkling of chocolate of the MDC-T the succession question in church; was perhaps in Mundi statues froth and Africa’s first blackwhite household earns six of inevitable that some episodes of his single fiveOn average, a president. as the main opposition party - albeit quantitatively him dancing, boxing orbeen met with violence and who dare do so have raising his fist are The numbers also support the anecdotal year term the country; and in 2012 the times more than a black one, and nearly one in dotted across as president are glossed over. and not qualitatively- Zimbabweans have perhaps shown the exitadoor. This use of intimidation and evidence from wealthy urban neighbourhoods central His close personal bank notes bearingLibyan bank issued set of friendship with three blacks is unemployed, compared with one seen that the party has become nowhere, than just face. Colonel Muammar Gaddafi drew criticism his violence in 20 whites. including Mandela’s Houghton - more 19 years leader by the MDC-T is not consistent with Such ratios of his “Rainbow Apart from opposition birth opposition’s critics of the 1994 its The announcement about the notes the party can no and a fierce rebuttal from Mandela, on after the forare fodder for sake. Nation”, most -opposition politics. Violence in came who said: settlement that brought be seen are down on February 11,who22nd irritated by of his release with the curtain housemaids, “Those the feel anniversary our friendship of the black people bites, it lacks transformative longer just be regarded as merely sporadic, but is usual neoliberal soundto institutionalised white- from prison. nearly half a century of President Gaddafi can go jumphas the pool.” security guards saw Mandela agency and a clearor gardeners. anointed electorate. In such an atmosphere, it wasinperhaps part of now structural and systemic. It become minority rule and serious message to the South The 2010 “blood diamonds” testimony of “Mandela has gone a example, enjoys relative the party political fabric of his single to undermine bit too far in doing good inevitable that some episodes and serves fiveAfrica’s first black president. While MDC-N, for to The non-blackalso support the anecdotal yearBritish supermodel Naomi Campbell at a Hague the communities, really in some term as president are glossed over. clarity ofnumbers and policy, Tsvangirai’s MDC-T a democratic conversation in the party. This intravision evidence from wealthy of (blacks),” Zimbabwean His close personal friendship withuncomfortable war crimes tribunal also shone an Libyan cases at the expense urban neighbourhoods has since Mandela’sMugabe saidwhere, 19 years leader ColonelaMuammar Gaddafi drew criticism including 2008 only filled the in a documentary light on dinner Mandela hosted in 1997 for President Robert Houghton - national political party violence sets a very dangerous precedent after with political gibberish on in May 2013. - Liberian rebuttal Charles Taylor, who said: space the birth ofAfrican televisiondemocracy that and a fiercewarlordpolitics in Zimbabwe presence it for opposition from Mandela, whose because aired on South his “Rainbo w Nation”, most of “That’s people value to are housemaids, “Those who feel called into question South Africa’s has the clear being too saintly, the electorate. In the at the table irritated by our friendship with is often no blackmaterialto be seentoo good.” undermines the democratic culture that President Gaddafi can go jump in the pool.” security guards or gardeners. “He let us down”a-bit too far in doing good of The 2010foreigndriving force for opposition politics. Winnie.The been enjoying ‘ethical’ as the policy. defenders meantime, while gone regarded “blood diamonds” testimony of “Mandela has the party elite have Mandela’s settlement and obscene in some British Thenrespectisfor human rightsa and democratic supermodel Naomi Campbell‘Arms Deal’, a $5 to trappings of communities, Mugabe’s violent the the non-blackpowernote that reallyconsumption The there the infamous at Hague seizure of expense of (blacks),” Zimbabwean war crimes defence equipment contract cases at the white-owned farms in neighbouring billion tribunal alsobe a foundationalthat erupted as seen through Tsvangirai’s endless “Pick and interaction must shone an uncomfortable for any pillar on dinner Mandela for Mandela’s for President Robert Mugabe said in a documentary lightinto a massive scandal hosted in 1997 successor, Zimbabwe from 2000 triggered an eight-year Pay” on South escapades,confirmed his 2013. have Thabo Mbeki, andand social justice project in marital African television in May fall in the democratization remains the defining episode ordinary people Liberian warlord Charles Taylor, whose presence aired economic collapse and at Zimbabwe. Opposition post-apartheid grace. “That’s being too saintly, too good.” been starving. Hence, the recent trumping of the the the ANC’s slide questionaSouth Africa’s eyes of outsiders from respected liberation hero in table called into from as form of politics must “He let us down” - in the 2013 defenders may in be about principles not principals. It is not about Winnie.The elections of ‘ethical’ foreign policy. MDC-T by Zanu pariah. Amid fierce criticism of Mbeki and the to international PF Then there is the infamous ‘Arms Deal’, a $5 Mandela’s settlement note that Mugabe’s violent part,Yet of white-owned aMandelaneighbouring in current president, Jacob power, but removing bad be his a result of farms in vote by citizens removing Mugabe from Zuma, also embroiled as criticism of protest finds echoes billion defence equipment contract that erupted seizure some for from the recommitment to a into a the furore, many South Africans have Zimbabwe Tsvangirai’s triggered an eight-yearkind leadership principles Mandela’s successor,chosen calling corners of 2000African National Congress in massive scandal for that have stalled Zimbabwe’s (ANC), collapse and confirmed his fall new liberation movement human rights remains the defining announced in Thabo forget that the deal was first progress. economicthe 101-year-old can usher a in thecivic to Mbeki, and and democratizationepisode of opposition politics that eyes of outsiders from with the liberation and the the ANC’s slide from post-apartheidoffice. that joined forces respected unions hero in 1998, when Mandela was still in grace. vernacular that is grounded on a value system that Amid fierce criticism of fundamentally a practice Opposition politics is and the to international pariah. topple apartheid. On the streets of Mbekisprawling black the Communist Party to Yet a 2010 interview with PF.Sadly, Tsvangirai of freedom and Soweto, where police his from that Mandela finds echoes in current president, is different criticism ofof Zanu the wife of British township ofJacob Zuma, also embroiled andits must stand opposed through In some corners of he will isauthor V.S. Naipaul, thenever do. He is a naked the furore, many Souththose in have chosen respect not listening; the African National Congress in disgruntled unemployed youngsters still face off values systems to Africans power. The (ANC), the 101-year-old anti-apartheid firebrand forget that the deal was first announced in liberation movement to emperor who of nowNation” Winnie Madikizela- inwhen Mandela was protests over poor housingon and joined forces with the unions and the 1998, sporadic, violent right to free that “Mother is the dancing out of tune. He for the individual still in office. expression Mandela Party to potential to Communistaccused her apartheid.husband of and public services, there are plenty who shows no leadershiptopple former be a doyen of On the streets partythe sprawling black do not anything about of welfare in the MDC-T must In a out interview broken by his British township selling 2010after beingrights which of now flouts remain Mandela myth. democracy and human with the wife he27 years in buy theof Soweto, The use police and is not sacrosanct. where of violence author V.S. prisons. the anti-apartheid firebrand disgruntled unemployedon saying: ‘I am here for the “Mandela kept youngsters still face off apartheid Naipaul, with “Mother of the Nation” Winnie Madikizela- in sporadic, violent protests over poor housing reckless abandon now public only a violation and“Mandela did go in his party. It’s he went in people, I am the of the founding principles of servant of the nation.’ What to prison and Mandela that his her former husband oftime public knowledge accused leadership has, for a long look did he services, there arebut also a flagrant insult to the MDC movement, papers that allowed white do? He signed plenty who do not there as a burning young revolutionary. Butin and the Mandela myth. buy selling out after being broken by his 27 detestable, the democratic character and strategic intent of now, been associated with an obnoxious,years people to keep saying: ‘I and the farms,” what came out,” “Mandela kept onthe minesam here for the said apartheid prisons. she was quoted as saying. and“Mandela did go to of violence. In 2005,bad 49-year-old politics. Pilane, who runs a roadside disgusting cultur e prison and he went in people, I am the servant “Mandela let us down. He agreed to a for opposition Majozi of the nation.’ What deal as apart from his alleged propensity did do? He Madiwa and that allowed there for burning young revolutionary. But still to stall selling sweetsMoyo is an academic and researcher example,a the blacks. Economically, we arelook on he Dr Last signed paperscigarettes. white people “He did the mines and theHe can be said poor to keep absolutely nothing for allreached at whatoutside. The economy is very much ‘white’. the came out,” she was quoted as saying. disregard party consent building mechanisms and currently based in Ethiopia. farms,” the “Mandela let us blacks, He agreed to a bad 49-year-old Majozi country.” down. but so many It has a few tokencollective outcomes,who gave people of this Pilane, who runs a roadside their for the blacks. Economically, we are still on stall selling sweets and cigarettes. violence [email protected]. deal subsequent their life in the struggle have died unrewarded.” the outside. Welshman Ncube as one ‘white’. was cited by The economy is very muchof the main “He did absolutely nothing for all the poor - this Telegraph Even token academics, there is broad It has a fewamongblacks, but so many who gave people ofThe country.” BY REUTERS I Mandela: I An African icon I on African terms I The Observer newspaper subscribes to a Code of Conduct that promotes truthful, accurate, fair and balanced news reporting. If we do not meet these standards register your The Observer newspaper subscribes to a Code of Conduct that with the Voluntary Media Council of Zimbabwe complaintspromotes truthful, accurate, fair and balanced news reporting. If we do not meet these standards register your on: complaints with04-708 035 or 708 417. the Voluntary Media Council of Zimbabwe on: No. 38 Harvey Brown Ave, Milton Park, Harare 04-708 035 or 708 417. or [email protected] No. 38 Harvey Brown Ave, Milton Park, Harare or [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected] their life in the struggle have died unrewarded.” The Observer isacademics, Sunday broad Even among a weekly there is newspaper published by Woodberg The Observer Zimbabwe. Sunday Advertising, is a weekly newspaper published by Woodberg Editor: Barnabas Thondhlana Advertising, Zimbabwe. Email: [email protected] Editor: Barnabas Thondhlana Cell: 0772964428 Email: [email protected] Cell: 0772964428 - The Telegraph Media Centre Address: The Cnr Third Street/Nelson Mandela Avenue Address: The Media Centre Harare CnrWebsite: Third Street/Nelson Mandela Avenue Harare Facebook: The Observer Zim Website: Facebook: The Observer Zim