Resisting Political Corruption:
Econet Wireless Zimbabwe
8 - 23 February 2014 - The Observer
his case study documents the story
of Zimbabwean entrepreneur Strive
Masiyiwa in his quest to obtain a
mobile telecommunications license.
First the Post and Telecommunications Corporation
of Zimbabwe (PTC) and then the Ministry of
Information, Post and Telecommunications of the
government of President Robert Mugabe place
obstacle after obstacle in his path, but Masiyiwa
challenges their decisions and actions in the
High Court and the Supreme Court. Throughout
this five year process (1993-1998), he remains
determined to obtain the license through ethical
means. A number of individuals and organizations
impressed by his values and come to his help and
this assistance, along with the independence of the
Judiciary, is instrumental in his firm being given
the license in July 1998. The cas R&W&W6V