What about if every department starts
are not gimmicks. These are solid and home-
s Of false prophecies-and prophets…
Morgan Preside
ust one
e to go
ed that
mesis –
it that
le with
ve also
. That
he had
far as
id Yes
o was
n held
? Have
w,” was
on to
4 - 16 February 2014 - The Observer
eing a prophet
News, the “shock of
disposed prophecy has left more than US$2000, when inthe itMinister
the him. “You are fact
of choice, he is awas
job – is it a job by the way
the President’s Office in limbo”. is $200 000 per month! People took
not. former RBZ governor
product.been given about this a leaf fromJust find the money!”
gazumped! days. What with
– these
No date has Because more
eventuality, which we reaching
Gono’ antics of has to
chickens are all know as Gideon The moneyremoving come
In the Manicaland
hitting us in the face at every corner,
mortal humans will happen anyway zeros from our dead currency!
but from indeed!!
“retirement age” in the From zero to herowhere is the big
province, President
we are at a loss as to what to believe,
at God’s own time.
fowl prophecyand need to Some will obviously get away
Mugabe has to absorb, or
what to discard, whatreplaced
The run was made in 2013!
what to follow! the flavour
it, The wish them the best.
disposed if says
imbeva as
OBSERVATORY beThetoTelescopeofreportone is withallandoverdiamondwhy compani
But I feel pity for the two
emissaries of “The Man of God”,
Now we know how and
not make a loss!office some of our fellow the media lamb
of the decade!
prophets whose prophecies hit the
telephoned the President’s
citizens have
the misappropriation of funds
wall recently.only response
at And because of2013, been able to live the life of Bill
the end of November
The biggest one of course is the
where they revealed the prophecy to
of funds, on its suddenly go
liquidity crunch, the Gates in an economyhaveknees!
to the ayes that came
Mambo foresaw a huge funeral officials working in the department.
one predicting the demise of Our President’s death, according to the
got their voices I wonder
flooding in: “So let dream prophecy.
for the President in the magnitude goodObservatory advises these
Dear Leader.
The brother also has
that scale Mandela.
Unlike other prophets, who because the people expect
prophets to remain above
But are they remitting an
us work comrades play “This death will not result of to of Nelsondown operations totake a leaf from their
from poisoning, gun shot, physical
Well, the day came and went with peers who do not go out on a limb!
it wise by not giving dates nor names
Saw this posting on Facebook
water. In these difficult times, is there anyone fiscus? No! Biti said so. The
it of us.”
of characters in their prophecies, strangling basically there will be no prophecy coming true. In fact, Take for example this prophecy the other day: Our government
GNU government
I can tell you there no lot of sweating out who would to show
this one swallowed the bull by the is afoul play and it will be strictly President Mugabe, justaccepthebeing retrenched? To go institutions and local authorities said he w
by renowned prophet TB Joshua:
natural death,” reads the prophecy.
had no fear to the prophecy, flew “This New Year 2014 is not like any are lier! baskets full of rotten
of pasture?
horns and went for the kill!
Mambo advised the country and to Ethiopia and Malawi during the other year in the past. It is a year of apples. We have been breeding
New kid on the block, selfBut vultures in these
Apparently cared not are not so cross the bridge,
confessed European-based 39-year everyone around the president to time of the prophecy andhis staff crossing bridge. Tokeen on the and rearing why are they so so sile
old “man of God” Tichatonga remain calm on the fateful day and a hoot about it.
you instead onto faith,” on
Looks like Milking
retrenchment, preferring need to grab to hand he government institutions. their chickens
Any other person would have began. “This is not going to be easy dying cows, the culture of primitive
Mambo prophesied that President keep guard around the president so
to roost!
till things have improved.
Mugabe would die peacefully in his that they give the world a proper shrunk into his shell and made last for the mighty. Many of the mighty capital accumulation has gone far
No and detrimental
Kurembera hakuzi kudona!! (Hanging on is to astronomical wonder current
sleepOverhead recently. Presidential happened to the minute prayers!
on Monday February 3, 2014. report of what spokesman
will fall. Pray for them. The rich,
president as per his prophecy.
And the other prophet predicted
In a post
It would have been better had
George which went viral on “I suggest that members of the Zimbabwe’s than falling). famous and popular peoplecrossing levels.been starting companies that
Charamba who is also a renowned better victory at the just- will fall this 2014 because – many theyEmmerson Munangagwa r
the net worldwide and hit news
down the Finance portfolio
chicken farmer, has revealed that the liquidity
headlines, Mambo said his prophecy Zimbabwe National Army, CIO, ended Chan tournament in South the bridge is not going to be easy; may help the country in the long
came in a dream and he strongly CID andchickens –maintain a Africa! Well, it’s now water under they need God. Many of them term. The sickening thing is that
crunch has hit him –and his the Police must hard.
This apparently is the big is their own making to the they open off-shore accounts over
believed the dream would come round the clock security around him the bridge I guess!!
believe it question that be
Riot Police
whole just misrepresentation, gurus be outdone,Ministrygreat in Health areexpertise.” stash the money in other all
Not to in the
true. He recently had a to avoid notorder of over
their own area of asking.
but also of assurance of the
According to – or
100 tonnes Mambo, itthe100kg - for thethe delicacy foreign-based prophet has warned all and sundry, whether yet theHave you no money. that we