The Northern NeXus Of Adventure Issue 2 | Page 4

e h tT a w e N eXus N This summer at the Northern NeXus of Adventure, we have some very exciting new programs making their way into both camps! In an effort to amp-up the scouting summer camp experience, numerous additions are being made to enhance each and every scout’s week! At Wah-Tut-Ca, the biggest change will be the addition of the So-Kee-Tay and Boat World waterfronts. So-Kee-Tay waterfront will allow scouts to work on both Swimming and Lifesaving merit badges whenever program is open. Over at boat world, all the paddle craft will be available during all program hours. Scouts will also be able to drop in at their leisure to work on the associated merit badges and sign-offs of each type of boat! These two waterfronts will allow the third and main waterfront to remain open for free swim all day as well as allow for the operation of various sailboats, namely Sunfish, our Catamaran, and the Craig Ryder. On top of this incredible new aquatic experience, the NeXus will also offer mountain boarding this coming summer. Scouts will be able to go for an exhilarating ride on our very own mountain boarding course, learning the skills necessary to navigate the Blake’s Hill’s terrain! At Storer, the newest addition is the Caving Tower at COPE and Climbing, which will offer Scouts and leaders a new and exciting challenge the likes of which has never before been seen. Also back this summer is SCUBA week, where Scouts will work all week to get their SCUBA certification and the BSA Snorkeling Award. These Scouts will travel all over the NeXus exploring our ponds and lakes as they search for landmarks, wrecks, and maybe even some treasure! The new and improved Shooting Sports areas will also be fully utilized for a number of various shooting extravaganzas. For the first time, Black Powder Rifle shooting will be brought to the NeXus everyday at Storer’s 16 person rifle range. Tomahawk throwing will once again be back this year, where our skilled instructors are sure to make sure all the Scouts hit their mark. As always, we strive to develop new and exciting program for all the Scouts in the Spirit of Adventure Council and Beyond. For more information on the programs being offered this year at the Northern NeXus, click the button to see our complete Program Guide.