The Northern News 1844 | Page 8



Over the past few decades, the primary methods of transportation for U.S citizens have vastly changed. Citizens have abandoned the traditional method of transportation: the covered wagon, and have adapted to much easier and faster means of transit. In recent history the steamboat became one of the most convenient ways of shipment, for trade while the improvement of national road system has made it a simpler process for not only the movement of goods but for Americans to expand west.

With all of these improvements to the transportation systems of the U.S, it would seem that the nation has stopped trying to create new ideas for getting people where they need to go, however, these recent accomplishments are no match for the current railroad system. The U.S

railway system began construction in the early 1840’s and is still continuing into the present of 1844, this amazing system improves not only tradeways but is assisting in the colonization of the western areas not yet civilized by American citizens.

The new U.S railway system may be concerning for some, being that it is seemed to only be used for trade and transportation of cattle, this important way of travel is revolutionary in helping the average American reach his destination.

With the improvements made to the canal systems, and the steam boat as well as the improved road and railway systems, the United States is becoming a more industrialized nation, with easy access to far states and seemingly unreachable areas. It is these improvements that make are creating a stronger nation with a more self sufficient economy and trade system, like we have today.

Courtney Hermes