Convers ' is back to business ! Your favorite English conversational meeting has come back with all the good stuff you like : the conversation starters , some mugs , lots of plastic cups and live music . For the ones who don ' t know , we get together every two weeks to talk exclusively in English . This helps English students to practice , improve their fluency and loosen up when it comes to speaking in English to others in real life . Also , everyone gets to have a good time and meet new people . In addition , we sell coffee , tea and some snacks to keep your stomachs happy . On top of that , we have at some point live music sung mostly a capella by fellow students who happen to be immensely , musically talented . It ' s important to say that it is open to anyone who wants to go ! Our last Convers ’ was on August 16 . Photos : Andrea Román y Fernanda Lazo .
( 01 ) Logo Oficial de Café Convers ’ ( 02 ) Victoria Asenjo y Rodrigo Bocca ( 03 ) Alumnos del Colegio Rubén Castro
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