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Is a collection of talks that discuss the newest ideas, technology, theories and where we should be heading as a species. TED allows for the movers and shakers of all fields come together to educate and learn for themselves. We should constantly be learning and expanding.

The newest of innovations and modifications of current products. This website is a resource to see the direction specific trades are going and what trends are on the brink of busting out. Knowing what is trying to make it up and coming adds to the competetive advantage a firm or an indiividual has. Understanding what is out in the market gives an insight to what the consumers are responding to.

This is more narrowed down to compare and contrast what is happening in the marketing realm. What new stratgies are effective and can they be implied to our brand/product. To view others work critcially one must be able to apprecatie and see it through numerous preceptions. Being moved or enjoying another's work sparks the inspiration in others. To create something just as magical.